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Fear of Heights


Submitted By bubbajames
Words 800
Pages 4
Fear of Heights
Essentials of Psychology
University of Phoenix
December 15, 2012
Robert Strausser

Fear of Heights
Several individuals suffer from a phobia a natural fear of something or a situation. Acrophobia is the most common phobia identified with the society (Fritscher, 2011). This type of phobia known as the fear of heights and is unlike aerophobia the fear of flying and other phobias, acrophobia can cause a person to fear numerous things related to fear of heights (Fritscher, 2011). Acrophobic may cause a person to have fear on an elevator of a building or flying on a plane. People associated with acrophobic will sudden go into a panic mode when at certain heights. They automatically begin to search for something to hold on to. Some may begin to shake, sweat, and even cry, or yell out for help (Fritscher, 2011). Their unconditioned response kicks in immediately and may even cause them to crawl on all fours, kneel, or lower they body (Fritscher, 2011). One reason for these actions is that people with acrophobic find it, difficult to trust their own sense of balance. These people believe and find it hard to think when dealing with this phobia (Fritscher, 2011). Unconditioned Stimulus is the system that alerts people (Ruden, 2012). Example, If individuals never seen a plane crash or imagine a plane falling out of the sky or crashing into a building he or she would not have the fear of heights. They are in a metal plane thousands of feet above the ground traveling at 600 mph with no way of getting off until landing. There are many other reasons for individuals to be afraid to fly, but they are on a plane, and the doors begin to close. They hear a weird noise or turbulence begins to make him or she feel like the plane is about to crash. He or she begins to look out the window and become afraid. Captivatingly, they may not be aware of why he or she is

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