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Final Critical Thinking


Submitted By kristalbleu
Words 1079
Pages 5
My thinking about living with an open and critical mind has definitely both been challenged and changed through this experience. During this experience I gave up drinking soda and only replaced it with water. I took a personality test and learned a lot about why I am the way that I am. Also, I started journaling for my emotional health and well being. I was challenged because I thought that overall I had a pretty open mind and was relatively good at thinking through things critically. Through my personality test I was seen to be someone to avoid conflict, which naturally mean that I am not great at looking at things critically. I am very good at taking things at face value and that I believe is one of my weaknesses when it comes to critical thinking. Through this experience though I have identified that weakness and been able to learn and understand different ways in which to think through something critically and it has given me better insight into many of my everyday encounters. I personally am addicted to soda, this is my caffeine intake and so I suppose it is the caffeine that I am addicted to. In order to incorporate the ILP into my everyday starting with body, I chose to remove soda from my diet and replace it with water. At first it was a struggle. I believed that I would just be able to stop and have no issues and that I would feel better for doing so. I was very wrong. I had to wean off of it slowly.
When I decided to quit drinking it cold turkey I would get these horrible headaches and was so very tired. Although I wanted to give up I did not. I simply started over and gave up a little at a time. After about a week and a half I was able to go with out any and had no headaches or fatigue. I was replacing the soda with water and I felt much better overall while drinking water all day opposed to soda or any other drinks for that matter. I

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