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Submitted By rt1203105
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Pages 13
LEAF English

LEAF ENGLISH Field Trips provides a chance to expose children to new environments, lifestyles, and places. We not only take children to amazing places but use an all English approach. Letting children be exposed to real life situations while learning and using English, this will encourage and motivate students.

Due to the weather and that winter is coming the outdoor activities will be done first and then the indoor trips.

活动主题 (Topics) and活动地点 (Places):

1. At the zoo: Learn about the different animals in English and describing them.
1. Zoo 2. Animal 3. Elephant 4. Giraffe 5. Zebra 6. Lion 7. Tiger 8. Panda 9. Snake 10. Birds 11. Fish 12. Seal 13. Hippo 14. Crocodile 15. Camera 16. Aquarium 17. Big 18. Small 19. Fat 20. Skinny 21. Beautiful 22. Ugly

Phrases: 1. What´s that animal? 2. It´s a ….. 3. It´s a big/small (name of the animal).

Motions: 1. Stand up 2. Sit down 3. Clap 4. Walk 5. Point to the… 6. Be quiet

The Foreign teacher will introduce him or herself and will ask the students to do the same thing. (10 minutes)

We will work on learning the new vocabulary with flash cards.
(20 minutes)

After everyone has learned the words we will line up in pairs and start walking through the zoo. Stopping at each cage reviewing the names of the animals and asking questions (70 minutes)

Play a game to review the different animals in the zoo. (15 minutes)

Before the end of the activity everyone will review the vocabulary words with handouts. (10 minutes)

Material: 1. Name Tags 2. Flag with logo 3. 2 stuffed animal hats, 1 for Foreign Teacher and 1 for Chinese Teacher 4. Paper animal hats for the children 5. Whistle for the teacher 6.

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