Premium Essay

Fracking: Good Thing


Submitted By shilohhalo
Words 2182
Pages 9
Natural gas is rapidly emerging as a major fuel of the world economy, meeting the rising requirements of natural gas is hard to achieve. Fracking is one of the most important technologies for natural gas production. Fracking has been used widely in oil and gas industry for decades; it is a technique used to get gas and oil from shale rock. The process of fracking is injecting the mixture of water, sand and chemicals into the rock at a high pressure to release gas (BBC, 2013). Fracking technology experiences long time of development. In 1947, Stanolind Oil conducted the first experimental fracturing to stimulate natural gas; in 1949 Halliburton conducted the first commercial fracturing to extract natural gas (Montgomery and Smith, 2010). Until 2003 fracking was used widely, energy companies actively expand natural gas exploration in Texas and Pennsylvania (Eecworld, 2010). fracking played an important role in America's natural gas resources for many years and countries such as Canada, England and China are actively pursuing implementation of fracking. Nationally, fracking can boost energy industry and promote economic grow in countries. However, like any advanced technology, it can also raise environmental concerns, cause water and air pollution. Therefore, whether the advantages of fracking worth the disadvantages? Yes, it worth. fracking is good, so it should be used on a massive scale to contribute to the increasing demands of energy.
There are three economy advantages of fracking. Firstly, fracking can increase natural gas production. With enough supply of natural gas can meet countries’ domestic demand for natural gas at current high levels consumption of natural gas for more than decades. Nowadays, countries such as America, Russia and Qatar are using fracking as a way to enhance natural gas production to meet the demand of natural gas and

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