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Submitted By Goldsta11
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Pages 20
Mutant Cakes Attack


Game Outline
High Concept
You are ninja. You must use your special assassin abilities to overturn the mutant cakes and take back the city in the final battle of the bulge. As ninja, the player must work her way through four different lands to conquer the mutant cakes before they take over the final landscape – the city.

1. Gameplay
There are four main worlds within the game which progress in a parallel layout (Adams, E. & Rollings, A. 2007). The four main worlds, Country, Residential, Industrial and City must be saved from the mutant cakes that slowly take over each world. As the player traverses each landscape destroying cakes, the enemy also continues alongside her defying being completely hunted down and destroyed. The player encounters evolved mutant cakes at the end of each world level and must defeat it before gaining access to the next world. The ultimate goal is to stop the mutant cakes from reaching the City World and conquering civilization.

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The following table describes the high level game progression through each of the four worlds and the required skill level to complete each.

Rural World
Explore world

Residential World
Slow Mutant Cake progression by defeating L2 mutant cakes

Industrial World
Defeat L2 & L3 Mutant Cakes

City World
City in chaos, defeat L3 Mutants

Fight Level 1 Mutant Cakes

Fight mutant cakes and uncover new abilities

Find advanced weaponry & Master

Destroy all L2 Mutants and uncover ‘True Ninja’ suit

Gain basic fighting skill to advance Defeat Level Boss

Gain weaponry skills

Learn combo skills

Gain advanced skills and master

Defeat Level Boss

Defeat Level Boss

Defeat Level Boss to win game (victory condition)

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The table below sets out a list of the challenges found throughout the game.

Challenge Type
Fighting mutant cakes

Challenge detail
As ninja the player must fight the mutating cakes and learn different moves to progress (related action – Basic Attack).

Special abilities

There are basic fighting skills bestowed upon all players on entry to the game world but there are special moves available to the player (related actions – Special Abilities).

Find weapons

The player must find and collect the weapons required to stop the mutant cakes from taking over each game world location (related action – Weapon Use).

Find Mutant Bosses

Mutant bosses at the end of each level must be found and defeated.

Defeat multiple enemies

Mutating Cakes have built in Artificial Intelligence that they will use to attack in packs making defeat harder for the player. She must find ways to use abilities learnt to defeat multiple enemies simultaneously.

Uncover Ninja Secrets

The player must uncover Ninja secrets at certain points in the game to be able to defeat Boss level mutant cakes or to reveal special abilities.

Uncover Mutation plants

Mutation plants are found in the Industrial and City levels. This is where the Mutant Cakes are reproducing and must be stopped.

Find the ‘True Ninja’ master black suit

The True Ninja suit is demonstrative of having learnt all abilities and having mastered all weaponry in readiness for the final Boss Level Mutant Monster Cake.

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Action type
Basic movement

Action description
Ninja are able to move forward, back and up and down in this free roaming third person perspective world.

User Controls
Ninja movement can be mapped directly to mouse or basic keyboard control. Scroll-wheel mouse movement will move the terrain and look forward, back and left and right through the available game world view. Forward – D Back – A Up – W Down – X The arrow keys perform the same action as a mouse scroll wheel described above. All attacks are keyboard assigned Punch – J Kick- K Jump - Spacebar

Basic Attack

Basic attacks bestowed upon game commencement include punch, kick and jump.

Special Abilities

Special abilities are earned by progressing through the gameworld and awarded at intervals where significant challenges have been overcome.

Special abilities are keyboard assigned and include combination key pushes as well as extra key functions which are unlocked by these progressive measures N – Slide takedown M – Flying kick < - Punch Kick Combo > - Throw

Weapon Use

As the player progresses through each gameworld she will find weapons, which can be used in attacking mutant cakes.

Weapons are assigned to keyboard keys as they are gained instructions will be given to the player via modal pop-ups allowing customization of key preference U – Sword slash I – Sword stab O – Nun-chuck attack


The player can defend herself from cakes that tempt them to gorge on them.

Z – basic defend Z+U – weapon block defense move


Ninja is swayed by temptation and gorges on cake.

If the protagonist is lured by the enemy taunting and eats mutant cake he is slowed down gains weight making him less effective as ninja warrior. Too many ‘Gorges’ and the player will lose life points and

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eventually one avatar life. Menu access The menu access is available during game play and allows the player to check her characters attributes such as health, abilities and weapon log. The save game menu allows the player to save her current position in the game world. Y – Menu access (game pause)

Save game

Accessed via the modal pop up ‘Menu access’

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Figure 4. Hierarchy of challenges

The hierarchy of challenges diagram above (figure 4.) explains how the atomic challenges (explore Rural World, Residential World etc) create the sub-missions (fight cakes, gain skills etc) to complete each level mission (defeat multiple enemies) and complete the ultimate goal (defeat Level Boss) to win the game (achieve victory condition).

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2. Story and Character
Backstory Gradually the human race has become lazier and lazier, preferring mass-produced fast food to fresh healthy produce. Take away shops, fast food chains; sweets, chocoloates and cakes gradually became the preference to any type of healthy alternative. While we grew lazier we injected hormones and used artificial ingredients that were chemically produced and created foods that became less and less nutritional and more and more dangerous. One day the products of our environment and creation, mutated into sentient life forms and the cakes that we grew to love and enjoy suddenly took on it’s own form - and it wasn’t happy. Mutant cakes gradually turned into anthropomorphic beings and started turning against human kind, chasing us out of house and home across the land and threatening humanity with a violent, sickly sweet takeover. Objective The objective of the game is to defeat the mutant cakes before they conquer civilization. The game has four levels and in order to defeat the mutant cakes, the player must travel through each world, conquering mutant cakes before finally defeating the final City World Level Boss. The player must progress successfully through each of the four levels, defeating Level Bosses at the conclusion of each world’s activity. She must then defeat the final Level Boss at the conclusion of the City World to be the overall game winner. Defeating the City World Level Boss is known as the games victory condition (Adams, E. & Rollings, A. 2007). Mission Aimed at the casual gamer market, the game’s narrative features a fold back style story which sees the player engaged in creative play as she navigates each world roaming her environment engaging enemies in different situations as she progresses. This means that she is free to explore each world as she chooses for a quick fun interaction, encountering mini challenges along the way, but will inevitably always arrive at the end of the world level in the same way to defeat the Level Boss (see figure 6).

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There are four worlds and four Level Bosses, each of which will slowly become harder to defeat. This progressive creeping of difficulty occurs in an intuitive manner becoming harder as more sub-missions and levels are completed. The player will need to find weapons which will be required to defeat level bosses - the game engine tracking this progress so that she will not move past a certain level if those requirements are not met. This is called a saw-tooth progression of difficulty (Adams, E. & Rollings, A. 2007). As well as weaponry, special moves (Ninja abilities) can be learnt and these are presented to the player visually as icons in the Active Shell menu. Level Health and Ability are the two main visual indicators that are shown to the player (see User Interface Figure 7) giving her mission feedback. As Special Abilities are earned and weapons found the story engine will progress the game engine to keep the narrative moving through the sub-missions to the Level missions in a natural way that appears seamless to the player. These collective atomic challenges & missions combine to complete the narrative of each World Level and will trigger the game engine to engage the player at the right moment in Boss Level gameplay (Adams & Rollings, 2007). Each Level Boss is a key narrative event in the game world hence is embedded in the story engine to ensure that the player has learned enough in each world level to progress so that the story moves in a way that seems in keeping with the style of the game. When engaged in Boss Level gameplay the L1, 2 & 3 mutant cakes are not featured so that the player is left to defeat the Level Boss. Level Boss monsters need to be defeated multiple times in order to win (see Core Mechanics, Rules). The visual feedback provided shows the mutant cakes beginning to crumble, pieces falling away and finally the cakes crumbling to dust. Key to the narrative progression is that the player is not required to defeat all cakes in order to get to and defeat the Level Boss at the end of each World Level. This indicates to the player that the cakes continue to mutate and take over each city despite her best efforts right until the final City World. In this way the player must realise that they must continue the good fight to defeat the mutating cakes but also realises that the final showdown will occur at the City World level.

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Our main protagonist is ninja; a small but deadly assassin that kicks, punches, slashes, bash and smash their way through multiple mutant cake enemies, turning them to wispy clouds of icing sugar. The player can chose from four primary colour ninja outfits, red (see Figure 1 for some basic mockups of comic style of the game), yellow, green and blue providing her with an element of creative and expressive play (Adams & Rollings, 2007). The ‘True Master Ninja’ (see Figure 2.) outfit is evidence of mastery of the arts and as such, must be earned.

Figure 1 Red Ninja Figure 2 - True Master Ninja

Character development Enhancing expressive play the player can chose her ninja colour at the onset of the game. This increases her feeling of belonging in the game and is how the magic circle is entered, separating the real world from the pretended reality (Adams & Rollings, 2007. p7). The player enters and thus begins her journey becoming the protagonist as ninja, a powerful statement of expressive play. Characters develop through the progression of worlds Rural through to City. The main form of development is to learn new abilities, find weaponry to master and unlock the secret of the True Master Ninja.

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The enemies are ‘mutant cakes’ that have evolved from our over-stimulated environment of greed and gluttony on Planet Earth. Cakes evolve becoming more powerful through 3 levels of mutation and are both comical and deadly, but must be stopped before they reach the city. Ninja can also be enticed by the sickly sweet temptations and can be tempted to eat them instead of destroying them, which is known as a Gorge attack. The enemy shows character development through their different mutations, which are visually shown by swelling or distortion of the cake bodies and faces as well as different colours as visual indicators of change.

Figure 3. Examples of different Level 1 ‘Mutant Cakes’

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3. User Interface

Figure 5. Game flow chart

The flowchart above (figure 5.) describes the flow of the game. Upon commencement the player is presented with a Splash/Intro Screen showing cut scenes and short animated teasers, which loops, creating a visual identity or feel for the game. From this Splash screen the player can select to ‘Enter’ where she travels to the ‘Profile’ screen where she may choose a player colour (or keep the default) enter details such as name and save location, and then start the game. In a foldback fashion once each world is entered the player is free to explore the area uncovering secrets, abilities and defeating the enemy but will always eventuate at the same point to defeat the Level Boss. To this end each game world defines the total scale of the game – the boundaries of each world are free to be explored but the edges of each world will wrap at the top, bottom and sides to get around the ‘edge of the world’ problem

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associated with large open spaces (Adams & Rollings. 2007). This defines the physical gameworld. The Shell Menus allow the player to pause the game and save their current position. Although this can decrease the player’s immersion in the game it is available so that she has the choice as the pace can be frantic and overwhelming and she may feel like a break to assess her strategy, check weapons available and save the current position if defeat seems likely (Adams & Rollings 2007). The Active Shell menu also allows her to check character attributes and weapons/secrets collected which becomes important as the worlds progress to have collected certain fighting prowess and weapons to be able to defeat the Level Boss. The shell menus are mapped to keys that learned progressively by the player, for example by discovering a weapon, the way to use it is instructed by instructed by modal pop up. If the player misses the instruction the Active Shell menu can be accessed and it is here they can take stock of abilities and weapons control etc.

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Figure 6. Game Progression - story flow chart

Figure 6 depicts how the player creates the fold back story experience to create the narrative in her own choice of progression. Each event depicts a series of occurrences (fights/attacks) that eventually lead her to the Level Boss.

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Figure 7. Main Gameplay mode

Figure 7 shows the main Gameplay mode. By minimizing shell menus and meters to a minimum, maximum real estate remains available during the main Gameplay mode. This provides the player a greater visual freedom to roam and explore in expressive free form play (Adams & Rollings 2007). The Active Shell menu is still available in this Gameplay mode but will pause the game momentarily while it is accessed. Authors note: Further development could create a split-screen ability so the player doesn’t lose the in-game immersion by accessing the Active Shell Menu.

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Figure 8 Ninja Attributes Shell Menu

Figure 8 shows the Ninja Attributes Active Shell menu that is displayed as a contextual pop up accessed by keyboard shortcuts and provides the player with a short pause and the ability to take stock on health, abilities and special attributes she has earned. The game is played in action classic Third Person Perspective and allows the player to see the character and with the camera following behind. It employs the avatar based interaction model where the player is able to see her avatar and the camera follows from behind.

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The elements of each component of the Active Shell menu are described by their Element, Function and Player Feedback in the table below. Ninja Attributes – Elements
Health (bar attribute)

A visual element displays the player’s current health status. Decreases through enemy attack and by gorging on enemy and is mapped to players lives available. Once depleted below visual level one life is lost and player must start again from last checkpoint. Visual element showing outline version of avatar.

Player Feedback
Power bar – visual element. Sectioned into 4 equal sections that deplete in half quantities, giving one full life 8 depletions of health bar before 1 life is lost.

Lives (visual element

On or off values. Maximum value of 4. Starting position of 3 lives, reduced by losing life, gained by finding one-ups through game world. Visual element, player executes keyboard move, avatar responds with bestowed basic movement Visual element, player executes keyboard move, avatar responds with bestowed basic movement Visual element, player executes keyboard move, avatar responds with learnt advanced attack combining punch with kick Visual element. True ninja shown through Black Ninja outfit depicting level of kung-fu mastery Visual element. Ninja is lured into eating Mutant Cake, which adds bulk to avatar and slows movement down, also depletes one half of quarter health element per gorge action. Activated by key press, details accessed by Active Shell Menu Activated by key press, details accessed by Active Shell Menu Activated by key press, details accessed by Active Shell Menu

Fighting Ability – Kicking (Active Shell Menu)

Bestowed basic ability – kick attack

Fighting Ability - Punching (Active Shell Menu)

Bestowed basic ability – punch attack

Fighting Ability - Combo (Active Shell Menu)

Earned advance ability – punch kick combo attack

True Ninja (Active Shell Menu)

Earned advanced ability – True ninja attack

Ninja Gorge (Active Shell Menu)

Enemy attack – ninja is lured into eating enemy slowing her down

Ninja Weapon – basic (Active Shell Menu) Ninja Weapon – intermediate (Active Shell Menu) Ninja Weapon – advanced (Active Shell Menu)

Bestowed weapon attack

Earned weapon attack – Slash and stab variations available once weapons found Earned weapon ability – one touch defeat attack that

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4. Core Mechanics
‘Mutant Cakes Attack’ feature several single entities that provide descriptions for objects such as health, movement, attacks, actions functionality and weaponry, that combine to create the games core mechanics (Adams & Rollings 2007). The entities and their relationships are explained as a flowchart in figure 9.

Figure 9. Entity relationships

The term ‘Passive entities’ in the Legend (figure 9) is used to describe those entities which do not affect gameplay. They are core functions such as player creation, game saving, loading and saving options and world statistics. Ninja entities are used to describe attributes, movements, attacks actions and weapons available to the player. These are outlined as the Active Shell Menus above. Cake entities are describe the entities belonging of the mutant cakes which also Passive entities because the player is unable to control them through gameplay. The Passive entities act as the taxonomy of the Ninja and Cake entities. Once the game has begun and we enter the game world (see Figure 5) the Passive entities are no

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longer required by the Ninja and Cake attributes until the player accesses the Storage Shell Menu (see Figure 5 also). Ninja attributes are the entities affecting ninja only. Ninja movement attributes work synchronously with weapons, ninja attacks and ninja actions. They are also affected by the Enemy Abilities and Enemy attributes accordingly (see Figure 9).


Passive shell menu that holds information not used actively in main gameplay mode


Shell menu available to player at all stages of gameplay. Container for all save entities


Passive shell menu that concern overall game entry and exit points as well as score boards and Level Boss information

Ninja Attributes

Holds condition of player including numeric relationships to well being, player choice and some source conditions

Ninja Movement Weapons Ninja Attacks Ninja Actions

Contains all events related to player movement in active game world Holds all sources that can be found in the game during active play All types of events that the player can do in concert with Ninja Movment conditions Container of actions that occur as a result of events or conditions related to Ninja movement and Ninja Attacks

Enemy Movement Enemy Abilities Enemy Attributes

Condition information of enemy movement in active game world The entity responsible for enemy events The enemy conditions

In Game Economy
Mutant Cakes Attacks in-game economy is comprised of the health of the main protagonist, how many lives she possesses, and attacks of the enemy. As an action adventure game with fighting actions, the economy is mainly affected by the success of fighting or gorging.

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According to Adams & Rollings (2007) sources are the available items in the game world that are available and these comprise of weapons and abilities (attacks) in the game. Drains are the means by which the entities are reduced or depleted (Adams & Rollings, 2007) and these are represented by the gorge attack of the enemies and temptation to gorge from the main protagonist. If ninja succumb to eating cake instead of destroying it they are depleted of health at a rate of 1:1. 1 being half of a quarter of a health meter bar (see Figure 8 Ninja Attributes Elements table).

The rules of the game are common to action style fighting adventure games, explore, fight and win scenarios exist in each world which succeed one another in a linear fashion. Game settings available by the Passive Shell Menu under the Options settings at Startup allow the player to select from 3 different difficulty levels; Easy, Medium and Hard. These system settings offer variance by increasing the random number of enemies generated per world per lifecycle of the game being played as per the table below.
World Level

5 enemy per 2 minutes real time

10 enemy per 2 minutes of real time 12 enemy per 2 minutes real time 14 enemy per 2 minutes real time 16 enemy per 2 minutes real time

20 enemy per 2 minutes of real time 25 enemy per 2 minutes real time 30 enemy per 2 minutes real time 35 enemy per 2 minutes real time


7 enemy per 2 minutes real time


9 enemy per 2 minutes real time


11enemy per 2 minutes real time

The temporal dimension of a game world defines the way that time is treated in that world and the ways in which it differs from time in the real world (Adams & Rollings, 2007. p107). To create a passing of time each world is on a set cycle to continue for no longer than one hour of real time per world. The game engine will detect the passing of real time and trigger key events to keep the game moving toward the Level Boss.

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To reach Level Bosses the player must reach obtain certain levels of defeat in each world before progressing as indicated by the table below.
World Level

Defeat 1
1 x Kick Punch Combo

Defeat 2
Kick Punch Combo + Basic Weapon Attack Kick Punch Combo + Advanced Weapon Attack Kick Punch Combo + Advanced Weapon Attack + Secret Ninja Attack NA

Defeat 3

Final Defeat


2 x Kick Punch Combo + Basic Weapon Attack

Secret Ninja Attack


3 x Kick Punch Combo + Basic Weapon Attack

Special ability discovered in this world


Kick Punch Combo + Advanced Weapon Attack + Secret Ninja Attack

2 x Kick Punch Combo + Advanced Weapon Attack + Secret Ninja Attack

3 x Kick Punch Combo + Advanced Weapon Attack + Secret Ninja Attack

True Ninja move executed

World progression and Victory Condition
Upon creating a profile (naming the avatar and selecting colour) the game is started at the beginning of the Rural World (see Figure 6 -Game Progression flow chart) and the player must fight her way through to the Level Boss, collecting abilities and weaponry available, before being able to attempt to complete Residential World (see Figure 4 Hierarchy of Challenges). The following table describes the basic looping rule governing that progression and defining the victory condition.
Action type
Global action: Game Progression Trigger: Level Boss defeated (any world)

Core mechanic description
IF player has defeated Level Boss (any world) THEN show planet as completed AND continue to next World. IF player has defeated Level Boss x 4 THEN show end sequence (Victory Condition) ELSE move player onto next World

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WHENEVER player is defeated by Level Boss (any world) THEN subtract one from NINJA ATTRIBUTE ENTITY and return to beginning of previous world

The next table explains the games movement mechanics and how enemies interact with the player and worlds and the damage and health rules overarching the main Gameplay mode.
Action type
Global action: Basic movement Trigger: Keyboard commands used in Active Gameplay mode

Core mechanic description
IF key D IS pressed THEN move avatar forward 1 pace IF key A IS pressed THEN move avatar backward 1 pace IF key W IS pressed THEN move avatar upwards 1 pace IF key X IS pressed THEN move avatar downward 1 pace ELSE take no action

Global action: Basic attacks Trigger: Keyboard commands used in Active Gameplay mode

IF key J IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Punch attack IF key K IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Kick attack IF key Spacebar IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Jump action ELSE take no action

Global action: Special Abilities Trigger: Keyboard commands used in Active Gameplay mode

IF key N IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Slide action IF key M IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Kick_Advance action IF key < IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Combo action IF key > IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Throw action ELSE take no action

Global action: Weapon Use Trigger: Keyboard commands used in Active Gameplay mode

IF key U IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Weapon_slash action IF key I IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Weapon_stab action IF key O IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Weapon_swing action ELSE take no action

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Global action: Defense Trigger: Keyboard commands used in Active Gameplay mode

IF key Z IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Block action IF key Z+U IS pressed THEN EXECUTE avatar Weapon_defend action ELSE take no action IF enemy action Gorge_tempt = YES then EXECUTE Ninja action Gorge_L1 IF enemy action Gorge_tempt = YES + 1 then EXECUTE Ninja action Gorge_L2 IF enemy action Gorge_tempt = YES + 2 then EXECUTE Ninja action Gorge_L3 IF enemy action Gorge_tempt = YES + 3 then EXECUTE Ninja action Ninja_defeat IF enemy action Gorge_attack = YES and Ninja attack < Block then EXECUTE Ninja action Gorge_defeat

Global action: Gorge Trigger: Keyboard commands used in Active Gameplay mode

Global action: Menu access Trigger: Keyboard commands used in Active & Passive Gameplay mode Global action: Save game Trigger: Keyboard commands used in Active Gameplay mode

IF key Y is pressed THEN pause Active gameplay and DISPLAY Storage Shell menu ACTIVATE Storage Shell menu mechanics (not covered) WHEN Storage Shell menu ACTIVE THEN save game to memory

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Adams, E. & Rollings, A. (2007). Fundamentals of Game Design. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. Wolfenstein 3D. (n.d.) Retrieved February 14, 2010 from Citations Adams, E. (2007). High Concept Document template. New Jersey. Pearson Education. Adams, E. (2007). The Game Treatment Document. New Jersey. Pearson Education. Crazy Flasher 2 (2010). Developer: Andy Law’s Web V5.0. Publisher. Narrative Mode. (n.d.) Retrieved February 14, 2010 from, Moby Games. (1999-2010). 3rd-Person Perspective. Retrieved February 14, 2010, from SpongeBob Halloween Horror. (2010). Developer: Game Ninja. Publisher: Yangloong Legend 2: 2nd Impact. (2009). Developer: Vlux Studio. Publisher:

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...Simulations Games And Experiential Learning in Action, Volume 2, 1975 OMSIM: AN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT GAME George A. Johnson Idaho State University Thomas E. Hendrick University of Colorado INTRODUCTION This paper describes a new game oriented towards a production/ operations management environment called OMSIM [4] (Operations Management SIMulation). The authors have been developing and refining OMSIM for the past three years and are currently subjecting it to extensive classroom testing on over 400 students in nine course sections taught by four different instructors at the University of Colorado. The early responses from students are gratifying; most say that it is challenging, realistic, properly frustrating, and provides an integrating decision making experience. Our stimulus to build OMSIM was not caused by the absence of several excellent games which emphasize production/operations decisions; pedagogical simulators in this area have been commercially available for about six years. PROSIM [3] and The Decision Making Game [2] both appeared in 1969. A year later JOBLOT [1] was published, with PROSIM V [5] following in 1971. Having utilized [2], or attempted to utilize, [1], two of these games at the University of Colorado and reviewing the structure of the other two, we would characterize The Decision Making Game and PROSIM as games of beginning to moderate complexity, with JOBLOT and PROSIM V being classified as complex. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF OMSIM OMSIM has been designed...

Words: 2828 - Pages: 12

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The Game of Golf

...The Game of Golf When I started playing golf with my father at the age of seven years old, I never could have imagined how much this game has taught me about life, motivation, and myself. My senior year in high school I was playing as the number one and captain on the varsity golf team. That honor was bestowed on me, because I was supposedly the best man on the team. Which just happened to be true. It was an honor that I truly enjoyed because golf had been a hobby, sport, and passion I had worked extremely hard at for close to a decade. But playing first man also had its drawbacks. The one that I will speak of here is the style of speaking that I had to use while playing in a tournament. It was five o’clock at night on a crisp fall afternoon. A bitterly cool wind swept across the hilly landscape as the leaves blew into the air, out of the woods, and onto the multi-tiered green. I stood behind my ball to line up my ten-foot birdie putt in hopes of breaking my own personal high school record. I pick a line at the hole and step up to the putt with the confidence to make it. As the mallet of the putter swings back like a pendulum, the ball rolls and rolls right on line at the hole but then stops just inches short of a birdie. I walk up, slightly disappointed at the miss, and tap in my par putt to finish out the final match of the season. The game of golf is a game of inches, as even the slightest miscalculation or imperfection can lead to failure. Fast forward to the following...

Words: 1058 - Pages: 5

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Soccer Game my narrative essay on how the match happened. To start with, you should know that we at the Boca Juniors had just lost six games in a row. We were on the losing streak to end all losing streaks. We were now facing our biggest rivals and our odds were 6 to 1 for winning. People clearly didn’t think we had it in us to win and River Plate had been doing a lot better than us. As the game began we started with a heavy attack. We put almost all of our players over into the River Plate half. This was working out very well at first because we were creating a lot of opportunities. The trouble was that there was a massive opening in our defense and at least three times they broke through and had a run at the goal. Luckily at least one defender caught the attacker and they didn’t score in the first half. During our heavy attack we managed to get a goal against River Plate. We carried on our attack until the second half. At that point we started playing a little more conservatively. This meant that River Plate had more chance to attack because there was less pressure to defend. They did score a goal at one point but it was declared offside. There is a lot of bad blood between our sides and there were quite a few yellow cards and blatant fouls. At one point we had a man sent off and we had to play with one man short. At this point the ongoing odds for our game within the bet365 company went up again. Yet again they believed we were going to lose the match. After a few more yellow cards...

Words: 518 - Pages: 3

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Online Games

...STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This survey on online games user of San Gabriel elementary school specifically question shall be answered: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Family income 2. What are the effects computer online games on the study habits of selected grade VI pupils at San Gabriel Elementary School? 3. Is there any significant difference on the effects of computer online games to the respondents’’ study habits in terms of their profile? HYPOTHESIS This study tested the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference on the perception of the respondent between the effects of computer online games and the study habit of grade VI pupils of San Gabriel Elementary school. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This research is important to the Parents of the youth. For them to know what are thing that influence using online games. Also to prevent the bad influence of online games to their children, for parents to be able to protect their children from influence of online games. To the youth, they should know the effects of online games to their study habit. Children should know the limitation of using online games and set their priorities. To the teacher, the second parents of the youth. This research is important to guide them to handle this kind of situation and to know how to assess their pupils. Future researchers can make use the results of this study...

Words: 856 - Pages: 4

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...cause severe physical damage and in many cases leads to an early death due to physical damage sustained from the substance. Non-chemical addictions, also called behavioural addictions such as pathological gambling often result in severe financial hardship, damage to long fostered social relationships, including family. and can involve criminal prosecutions, as can chemical addictions. Although I have used the term addiction in this website, its use is contentious in professional and academic communication as its meaning often differs across contexts and can be imprecise. Instead, terms such as 'pathological gambling' or 'substance abuse' are used in the diagnosis of addiction related diseases. Video Game Addiction Researchers have explored the notion of video game addiction since the mid eighties, however the research on the topic is disparate and preliminary. Research is accelerating now. Due to the abovementioned shortfalls of the term 'addiction', the phenomnon has also been...

Words: 2385 - Pages: 10

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Hunger Games

...The Hunger Games At this time, most of the people, especially those who have nothing, are willing to do anything or even sacrifice himself just for the sake of someone he loves. The movie, “The Hunger Games,” is all about friendship, family, problems of the society and being you as an individual. Nowadays, it is very obvious that most of us want an equality which can never be happen. In the movie, I saw that there’s a barrier between rich and poor. Rich people make the poor ones as their entertainment while poor people do nothing but to follow. Like our government, it is visible to us that having a position in government makes them superior. In just a blink of an eye everyone follows, everyone becomes a slave, and everyone is powerful when you are in a position. Wrong doing becomes a trash when it pertains to our government. They do nothing but to buy anything even the service of our dear servants. Money is very powerful, where it can buy anything. As a citizen we have the rights to fight for what is right! We should know how to act for something that we want to accomplish. Come to think of it, without us government officials are nonsense. We are the reason why they are in that position that’s why we are responsible for their good doings. Not because we’re poor they have the rights to do anything they want. Those corrupt government officials must be jailed. They don’t deserve to be respected because the stole some of the money that is not for them. Instead...

Words: 750 - Pages: 3

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Game Bug

...Jonathan Sandoval SG420 Game Bug Report March 31, 2013 If one wants to start a career in the video gaming industry as a tester, one must be able to connect the dots between seemingly unrelated events. Writing a video game concern might seem like a simple task but it comes with a great deal of responsibility. This is a communication from which other people will base a plan of action on. Those actions often include committing costly resources to resolving the issue. When writing a Game Bug Report, it is important to provide as much information as one can in order for the bug to be “fixed”. The faster the bug is found, the faster the bug will be fixed, thus helping everyone in the long run. A bug report can be broken down in four sections. Title: * Summarizes the important factors of the issue. * Simple overview of what, where, when, why and how it is caused, highlighting the most important considerations in the game. * Indicates how severe it is. * Is used by others to plan a course of action, so it needs to be understood at a glance. Description: * Succinct description of who, what, where, when, why and how it is caused without leaving out any details. * Here you should describe accurately EVERYTHING about the concern. * Describe it in such a way that the reader can reproduce it SOLELY from the description and understands completely what is happening. * You may use industry standard jargon to help accurately describe the issue...

Words: 938 - Pages: 4

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Video Games

...Society and Video Games Video games are still a very new form of media. Compared to other forms of entertainment like books, television, or movies, video games are still new and very misunderstood. As video games rise in popularity many people like to blame them for the problems of modern society, although other forms of entertainment involve common elements. Video games need to be seen just as equal to a fan of movies or books. They do not always have to be mindless entertainment and can also be helpful in your daily life. Just like how people do not judge all television shows based on The Jersey Shore or Teen Mom, video games should not be judged by popular games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto which are at times just mindless entertainment but not harmful. If you do not know what these are then just think about the most popular things amongst your favorite form of media or hobby. A common argument that parents and people unfamiliar to video games like to address is how unhealthy they can be. In a sense this can be very true but enjoy it in moderation, too much of anything can be a bad thing. Other studies have found an association between compulsive gaming and being overweight, introverted and prone to depression. The studies didn't compare the benefits of gaming with such downsides. (Hotz. 2012) I come from a family of people who enjoy video games very often and none of us are considered overweight or have any signs of health problems but we may be...

Words: 2239 - Pages: 9

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Enders Game

...families are allowed only two children, but the government requisitioned his birth. After a short six years of torment from his genius older brother Peter, and love from his genius older sister Valentine, Ender is recruited into the army after passing tests, and quickly rises to the top of the class. Loved and hated by other students at Battle School, Ender is isolated by his success, in the games that the students play, and by his teachers treatment of his excellence. The adults do not give him the chance to settle in and find a peer group instead they push him with such urgency that they are willing to break the entire Battle School system down. Colonel Graff, the one who found and groomed Ender, runs Battle School and risks his reputation, and humanity's existence, on his strong belief that Ender is the one who can defeat the Buggers. Battle School consists of games. there is a Fantasy Game, a game room (like an arcade), and the battle room, where war games are played in zero gravity. The battle room plays a key role in Battle School, and students often get so caught up in the game that they seldom realize that they're at the school to defeat the Buggers. One such student, Bonzo Madrid, comes to hate Ender, and Bonzo plans to kill him. Ender's excellence pulls through in battle after battle, despite being given a green army and the most intense schedule ever given an army. Bonzo's rage turns murderous, and they fight in the...

Words: 621 - Pages: 3

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...Video Games First off, you would imagine how thrilled our team was to have to write a paper during the holidays, with a deadline just two days after the winter break, so we came up with a clever way to bypass all the research work needed and just start writing about things we already knew and also loved doing, in order to grasp a more subjective approach on the chosen topic. People often say that if you don’t truly believe in the things you are working on and don’t have fun whilst doing them, you won’t be successful in any of your endeavors. This means you have to work with passion, because the first person you are ultimately going to sell the idea of the finished product is yourself, and if you can’t fully embrace the concept, it’s going to be even harder to pitch it to someone else. That being said, we quickly searched for a topic that each member of our team could relate to, and also provide valuable insight upon his experience and personal preferences on the subject at hand. In the end we settled on the topic of video games, due to the wide variety available these days. Figure 1. Pacman machine Figure 1. Pacman machine The first ever commercially produced video games were arcade games back in the early ‘70s in the United States, and I think we all remember in movies those huge machines that took up quite a lot of space in pubs, where people could play games such as Pacman, Space Invaders or Donkey Kong. They were very successful and in fact, they...

Words: 1628 - Pages: 7

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... Issue  1,  pp.122-­‐128,  2013 THE IMPACT OF VIDEO GAMES ON STUDENT GPA, STUDY HABITS, AND TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS: WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? Jordan Weaver, Walsh University, Philip Kim, Walsh University, Richard L. Metzer, Robert Morris University, Julie M. Szendrey, Walsh University, ABSTRACT Playing video games has become one of the largest leisure activities in the world. This study examines the effects video games have on college students, their grade point averages, time management, and study habits. Existing literature has linked video game usage as being negatively correlated with each of these three variables. This research, using a sample of the undergraduate student population at a private university in northeast Ohio, found a statistically significant correlation between video game usage and grade point average. Statistically significant relationships were not found between video game usage and the variables of time management skills or study habits. It is important that college students are aware of these possible negative effects of video game usage on their academic performance. This research can serve as a foundation for future research on the impact of video game playing and student performance. Keywords: Videogames, GPA, Study Habits, Time Management Skills, Student Performance INTRODUCTION The video game industry has flourished to become the world’s largest entertainment...

Words: 3326 - Pages: 14

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Computer Games Addiction

...Computer games are the most popular enter tainments in modern societies and they target a variety of people in different ages. The addiction to the rivalry and excitements of the games make them the most common recreational programs for today's teenagers, so that they do anything to reach a higher level of the game, they immerse in the game so much that they completely separate from their surroundings. Challenging with the obstacles and reaching a higher level in the game, make the players excited and losing the game make them anxious.1 Computer games started in 1972 with Pang, a computer tennis game, and then developed in hardware and software systems. Improvement of quality and variety of games increasingly spread it in the society especially adolescences.2 It is believed that computer games like watching TV provides opportunities for visual learning. Especially because these games are more active compared to watching TV, they are considered more effective.3 Since these games are known as the second entertainment after TV, opponents of these games emphasize on their negative effects such as stimulating anger and violence, costing a lot of money and having negative effects of physical and mental health, which are much higher than the positive effects of the games such as increasing the coordination...

Words: 668 - Pages: 3