Premium Essay

Gay Rights and Religion


Submitted By kellyk79
Words 2495
Pages 10
Kelly Krause
Research paper
PO 102-02
Gay rights and Religion

I choose to do my paper on gay rights and religion. I will be talking about Amendment 14. States that support gay marriage. Religious rights versus gay rights. Gay rights and religious freedom. Gay discrimination. Gay rights and the Constitution.

In February of 2004 San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom ordered the city clerk to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. The issue that had simmered in the background for years was moved toward the front of the nation's political agenda. Supporters of the more traditional conceptions of marriage fought Newsom in the courts. When they failed there they were placed on California's 2008 ballot that would restrict marriage to heterosexual couples only. Before the 2008 election Massachusetts and Connecticut had already legalized same-sex marriage. Soon after California's vote, Vermont and Iowa joined the ranks states that allow gay couples to marry. While many supporters of gay marriage have focused on winning state approval through the political process by passing new laws to legalize the practice. That strategy has succeeded but only in New England. In the other states, gay marriage has been established only through the courts. While most of the legal fighting over gay marriage has unfolded in the various state courts, many gay-rights advocates suggest that soon the battle needs to be taken to the next level and fought out in the federal courts. Total victory will come only, when gays and lesbians possess a nationally protected right to marry. They contend that the Fourteenth Amendment suggests a constitutional right to marry for all persons. On the outside the answer might seem simple. The United States Government Accounting Office has identified more than a thousand federal benefits and responsibilities affected by marital status. In

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