Premium Essay

Gb512 Unit1


Submitted By Taihti
Words 359
Pages 2
To: William Mitchell, Customer Service Manager
From: Tiana Lawson, Customer Service Representative
Date: May 7, 2013
Subject: Request for Sponsorship

I am writing you to request sponsorship from the company for my Business writing course at Del-Tech Community College. This Business Writing course will teach me how to effectively write and prepare documents that are sent to customers as well as others in the company.
By taking this course, it will give me the advantage of communicating with customers clear and efficiently. It will help me to advance and be a greater asset to the company. This course is very important in terms of having the right skills and knowledge of communicating to our customers and could also benefit other employees that are having trouble communicating or as a refresher. Being able to communicate better with our customers, it will help reduce any confusion from us to them and will reduce any future complaints.
This class will be taken at a reputable college known for offering classes that enhance a person’s well-being but also prepares students for real life situations. The class will mimic correspondences such as writing emails, business proposals or memos. The tuition for the class is $1500 and that includes books and fees. I know the company does have a payback policy for tuition reimbursement but I know by sponsoring me instead, it will give the company credibility on trusting their employees and improving their overall morale. Since it will only take 6 weeks to complete and I will have these new skills to attribute to my job fairly quickly.
By being my sponsor it will help improve my communication with our customers and can open the door for any other employees that would want to take this class and be an asset to the company. This company will benefit greatly if all of its employees are knowledgeable about different ways to reach

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