Premium Essay

Gestational Diabetes


Submitted By meggy7355
Words 643
Pages 3
Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes occurs because there is an increase in hormones such as estrogen and that leads to lower levels of glucose as well as many other things that lead to side effects of pregnancy. As the women progresses through her pregnancy, the glucose levels increase steadily and increase as the sensitivity of insulin is decreasing. As the placenta grows, more insulin is needed for the body to control blood glucose levels. Gestational diabetes occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce more insulin to control the glucose levels and the placenta is resistant to the insulin the body has.
Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy cause pregnant women’s blood glucose levels to be higher. The placenta becomes insulin resistant and as the placenta grows, the body needs to produce more insulin in order to get glucose in the cells to be used effectively. In gestational diabetes, the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to control the glucose levels.
Gestational diabetes is reported in 2-10 percent of pregnancies and 5 to 10 percent of women who have gestational diabetes are found to have type 2 diabetes. Women who have gestational diabetes are 35 to 60 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes in the 10-20 years following their pregnancy.

Prognosis Most women with gestational diabetes are successful in controlling their blood glucose levels with diet and without harming themselves or the baby. Babies are larger and can have difficulties breathing as the surfactant production is hindered. Some babies are delivered c-section related to their size. Women with gestational diabetes are more at risk for PIH during pregnancy also. There is a slightly increased risk of fetal demise if the mother is

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