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Golden Lion


Submitted By zamanten
Words 641
Pages 3
Golden Lion Tamarin

| |Kingdom Animalia |
| |Phylum: Chordata |
| |Class: Mammalia |
| |Order: Primates |
| |Family: Callitrichidae |
| |Genus: Leontopithecus |
| |Species: rosalia |

RANGE: Found only in small areas in the State of Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

HABITAT: Tropical rainforests. They tend to select areas of heavy growth for cover and with tree holes for sleeping sites

LIFE EXPECTANCY: Up to 14 years.

BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS: They live in family groups of 5 to 8 usually consisting of an adult pair and offspring of different ages.

DIET IN WILD: Primarily insects and fruit - flowers, nectar, spiders, snails, small lizards, birds, and bird eggs.

DIET IN ZOO: Canned marmoset diet, fruit, mealworms, and crickets

SIZE OF LITTER: Usually twins, occasionally triplets.

DID YOU KNOW? Golden Lion Tamarins are one of the most endangered species of primates in the world.

Interpretive Information of Interest • Older siblings help the fathers care for the newborn. • Adults of the same sex are extremely aggressive toward one another. • Food sharing is an important part of their social structure. • Females in estrus tend to limit scent marking because they do not want to advertise to males other than their own mates.
Golden Lion Tamarin

Description:They are diminutive squirrel-like monkeys with dense, bristly coats. Their hands and feet are very long and their faces are hairless. Their digits have claw-like nails except for their big toes, which have flat nails. Their heads are surrounded by manes of hair. Their coats are almost uniformly gold in color, with occasional darker or lighter areas in the tail region.

Size: Weight: Between 13 and 25 ounces. Height: About 8 to 13 inches. Length: Tails between 13 and 16 inches long with overall length (head to tail) up to 29 inches.

Behavioral Adaptations: Golden Lion Tamarins have a variety of high-pitched calls, some of which are inaudible to humans. Their calls sound like bird trills with complex patterns. They have a “long call” which they use to maintain pair bonds and to signify another group’s presence in their territory. They have keen eyesight and hearing. They move through the trees quadrapedally.

Life Cycle / Social Structure: Golden Lion Tamarins are diurnal, completely arboreal monkeys living in family groups consisting of an adult pair and offspring of different ages. These groups usually number between 5 and 8. They sleep in tree holes at night and their dependence on tree holes place ecological constraints on them. Both male and female offspring disperse from the family group upon maturity. They are seasonal breeders with mating taking place from May to July. Pairs of adult males and females form permanent bonds and are equally dominant. Sometimes a couple of family groups join. In these cases reproduction by subordinate females is suppressed by the dominant female, giving her infants unrestricted access to the available food resources. Their gestation period is about 128 days. Although they usually produce twins, triplets are born on occasion. The newborn weigh between 1.5 and 2 ounces and are born fully furred with their eyes open. Infants cling to their mothers for the first week or so and are then taken over by their fathers. They are transferred back to the mothers only for nursing. This routine continues for about 3 months and by 4 months the young are fully independent. They reach full size at about one year. Females reach maturity at 18 months and males at 24 months.

Relatives: The genus Leontopithecus contains just 1 species with 3 subspecies. There are about 35 other species and subspecies of Tamarins outside of the genus.

Predators: Predators include small wildcats, raptors, snakes, and the worst of all, humans, due to habitat destruction.

Miscellaneous: Some are caught for the pet trade.

Status: They are highly endangered.

References : Walker’s Mammals of the World and Gzrimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia
Last Update on 1/18/2004 By Larry Forsyth

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