Premium Essay

Good Cops


Submitted By yasiralsaadiy
Words 1407
Pages 6
In the world today nothing is more confusing than choosing for your education. Considering, there are different ways to access a higher education, it is clear to see that understanding your options of traditional and online programs can certainly help you decide which method best meets your needs and individual situation. In Fact, looking at the benefits each option offers can guide you in making a responsible educational decision on which program is right for you. Even though obtaining a traditional education can be beneficial and similar to online education, the flexibility, environment, and length of class makes online a better decision.

Looking further within the variables of flexibility, traditional education is considered to be very structured. The classes are set for specific times and days of the week without change. Undoubtedly, this can be very helpful when scheduling your everyday activities or goals. In addition, you know when you have to attend classes. In fact, attendance is a requirement; to receive an adequate lecture of course materials and information you need to be there to receive the appropriate knowledge to pass the class. Of course, disciplining yourself with your attendance, travel time to school, and organization of your life and education will guide you on a path to achieve a good traditional education. However, if a strict schedule through traditional education is more demanding of you, and you would prefer having a more flexible schedule, the convenience of online education would be the way to go. In fact, all class materials are obtainable online 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Therefore, students can access any reading materials, discussions, explanations, and comments whenever they need to. Moreover, from anywhere across the globe that has Internet access can students attend class any time. Therefore, students can attend to personal

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