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Grass Paper


Submitted By tgamble
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Timothy Grass
Latin name: Phleum pretense
This grass is originally from Northern Europe. Dr. Gill told his class that the best part of timothy grass is that it is very clean hay with little dust. Dr. Gill’s opinion explains why so many horse owners love timothy hay! Timothy grass is a blue-green perennial bunchgrass that grows in zone C and zone D. The grass usually stands between two and four feet tall and grows the best in cooler climates. Strands are not expected to last more than three to four years. Normal Tennessee’s summer droughts can cause strand reduction. The best time to plant this wonderful grass is between August 15 and October 1. Harvesting is supposed to be done around early bloom; however, this is rarely done. Dr. Gill explained that late cutting is due to buyers wanting to see tails in the hay. The primary use of timothy grass is for pastures and hay.

Sources for timothy grass:
Dr. Gill lectures
Southern Forages (Class Textbook) Orchardgrass Latin name: Dactylis glomerata
“The name orchardgrass is because it grows well in the shade.”-Dr. Gill Europe was where this grass origins from in the late 1700’s. Orchardgrass is a perennial bunchgrass that grows in upper zone C and zone D. This grass doesn’t have rhizomes or stolons, therefore orchardgrass spreads by tillering. In order to establish orchardgrass, one should plant the seeds between September 15 and September 20. It is also recommended to be planted with a legume. The soil should have a pH between 5.8 and 7.0, this can be determined with a soil test. Orchardgrass usually grows two to three feet tall. This grass has many pests that can damage the product. The most know pest include the fall army worm, rust, leafspot, and nematodes. Orchardgrass is mainly used for hay and grazing due to its palatable to livestock and deer. Orchard grass also contains protein for grazing livestock and very good for pregnant mares. This grass is also used as ornamental grass, in wildlife plots, and as pasture grass.

Sources for orchardgrass:
Dr. Gill lectures
Southern Forages (Class Textbook) Switchgrass
Latin name: Panicum virgatum This is a perennial grass that is native to North America in the Great Plains and eastern USA. Switchgrass should be planted in April and May. Switchgrass grows well in a variety of different soils and climate conditions and in zone B, C, and even D. The grass stands around three to seven feet tall and can a have a production life of ten to twenty years, if managed well. To manage switchgrass allow livestock to graze, but ensure the grass has a four to six week break between grazing. Switchgrass will even remain after a drought that causes poorly drained soil. This warm season grass is mainly used for pastures and hay. Switchgrass has a high level of cellulosic content causing it to have a tasty flavor for grazers. However, switchgrass becomes stemmy and unpalatable in early summer.

Sources for switchgrass:
Dr. Gill lectures
Southern Forages (Class Textbook)
UT AgResearch “UT Biofuels Initiative” Written by Clark D. Garland

Little Bluestem
Latin name: Schizachyrium scoparium
Little Bluestem can be identified by its course stems and smooth, basal leaves. The leaves are often covered with hair at the base next to the sheath. The hairy seed clusters are about three inches long. This warm season grass will begins its growing in the late spring and not stop until the season’s first frost. In order to ensure production, the seeds should be planted as soon as possible in the spring. The pH should be tested and should be close to a pH 7.0. However, if the pH is below 5.5, it is recommended to add lime during the preparation of the site. Little bluestem is used for pastures and hay. Livestock, deer, and even elk enjoy grazing on this grass. Wildlife often enjoys eating this grass like the songbird and game birds. Another use of this grass is erosion control due to its growth habits and that it can grow in a variety of soils.
Sources for little bluestem:
Dr. Gill lectures
Southern Forages (Class Textbook)
UT AgResearch “Native Warm Season Grasses”

Small Hop Clover
Latin name: Trifolium dubium
Small hop Clovers are a cool season annual that origins from the Mediterranean region. In America, this legume grows in zone A, B, C, and D. It is most commonly found in pastures, but can grow in soil that has low fertility or soils with acid. Identification can be determined by the yellow flowers in small heads. The major use of this legume is for pastures. However, humans can use this legume to their advantages in other ways. They have protein in their leaves and starch in the seeds. Sweet clover tea is made from the yellow flowers and the seeds found in the flower can be eaten as well. However, small hop clover should be used quickly due to their short productive period. Most people do not wish to have this legume in their yard and often kill them. Since this legume seems to be very common, the seeds are not usually found for sale.
Sources for small hop clover:
Dr. Gill lectures
Southern Forages (Class Textbook) Bermudagrass
Latin name: Cynodon dactylon
Bermudagrass is a warm season grass that is commonly called “South’s grass”. This grass grows in zone A, B, and C. However, it grows the best in zone B. It was introduced to America during colonial period from either Africa or India. Bermudagrass is drought resistant and can grow in most soils, but grows the best in well drained areas and with high heat. This grass requires plenty of natural sunlight and is very persistent and aggressive. Once planted, Bermudagrass takes anywhere from 60 to 90 days to be established and may be planted from seeds or sprigs. Bermudagrass is used for mainly for pasture and hay. Other uses of this grass are for turf for sport fields, parks, and even golf courses. In order to insure good turf, Bermudagrass must be fertilized and mowed correctly. This grass does have a couple of pest that can affect it. They are fall armyworm and spittlebug.
Source for Bermudagrass:
Dr. Gill lectures
Southern Forages (Class Textbook)

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