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Greek Mythology: The Role Of Women In Greek Society

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Greek Mythology has assigned many roles to women in society. Women hold most of the power, although it is not very obvious. Also, women have to be beautiful in order to be accepted into Greek society. Finally, women are supposed to be obedient in Greek society. Women hold most of the power in Greek society. In the myth the Trojan War, Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite find a golden apple labeled “to the fairest.” They all believe the apple is for themselves, so they go to Paris of Troy to decide. All three goddesses offer something to Paris. Paris chooses Aphrodite, who offers the most beautiful woman in the world. Women played a huge role in starting the Trojan War. It was the goddesses who went to Paris and it was a woman that Paris was after. Women have to be beautiful in order to be accepted in Greek society. For example, in the myth Perseus, Medusa is turned into a Gorgon, “each with wings, and snaky hair, most horrible to mortals." Medusa is shunned by society because she looks like a horrible monster. Perseus is told to go slay Medusa because she isn't beautiful and because she is a monster. …show more content…
Women are supposed to obey a man, or else they are punished. In the myth Aesculapius, the Sun god Apollo falls in love with a woman named Coronis. Coronis does not return his feelings and falls in love with a mortal. Angry that Coronis did not love him back, Apollo has her killed. Apollo believes Coronis was unfaithful to him. However, Apollo forced his feelings upon Coronis, without thinking twice about how she feels. Apollo lashes out because he believes that Coronis, as a woman, should be compliant, and love him back despite any feelings she might have. In Greek society, if a woman doesn't do what a man tells her to do, or expects her to do, she is

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