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Hamlet Act 4 Scene 4

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Believe it or not, there was actually a time when people would go to a theatre instead of log on Netflix, shocking, right? One can see why it was of the utmost importance for play writers to please their live audience. Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare, was originally performed in 1602 at the Globe Theatre by the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (CliffsNotes). The play had an audience that consisted of both high and low class citizens. Shakespeare made his plays enjoyable to his diverse audience by making them relatable. Hamlet’s speech in Act 4 Scene 4 is one that does exactly that. It can relate to its various listeners, but still be interpreted differently by each one. The original Hamlet performance was astounding to the Elizabethan audience …show more content…
Almost all of England during the Elizabethan era followed the religion Christianity. Also, many citizens strictly believed in the Honour Code, which outlined the actions one can do to receive honour. In Hamlet’s rant he subliminally mentions his intent to kill King Claudius for revenge, “I do not know / Why yet I live to say ‘This thing’s to do.’ / Sith I have cause and will and strength and means / To do’t” (4.4. 46-50). This would have caused an ethical dilemma for the audience because of their belief in the Christian Doctrine and the Honor Code. One can be certain that some of the audience were grunting, while others were cheering on Hamlet’s choice. The Christian audience would say revenge is against Christian moral values and thus wrong. However, they would have also understood Hamlet’s reasoning to avenge his father’s death because it would be in line with the Honour Code and bring back respect to the Hamlet family name. Shakespeare created this dilemma in the play specifically to stir a reaction from the audience. This would result in the Elizabethan audience sharing their opinion with their friends on if what Hamlet did was the right action. All of this talk would make more people know about the play and want to watch it themselves so they can be a part of the conversation. Consequently, more tickets would be sold and a portion of the money would go to the successful William Shakespeare’s wallet. Shakespeare’s tactic of getting into the viewer’s heads’ is often unrecognized. When looked at deeply, it can be seen as simply something

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