Premium Essay



Submitted By disney20008
Words 378
Pages 2

How would you describe Krakauer’s tone in this first chapter? Does he seem sympathetic toward Chris McCandless? |

Why do you think Chris would have lied about his name and age to Jim Gallien? Why would someone who was raised in a privileged manner want to hitchhike and live in the wilderness out West? How would you describe Chris McCandless after reading this section? For someone who claimed to be a loner, why did Chris befriend so many people? Do you believe the stories the people in this chapter tell Krakauer are true? How effective is Krakauer’s exploration of these other adventurers? Do you think Chris shared similarities with them? Krakauer is not a psychologist; do you think he is overstating the effects of a strained father-son relationship on the actions of these men? Is it possible that many men have strained relations with their fathers during their early adulthoods as they attempt to establish their own manhood and Krakauer plays on this commonality to make Chris McCandless seem tied to these other men? Do you think these men are foolish or brave, or can they be both? How does the McCandless family’s description of Chris differ from the others we have heard? Do you think Chris’s anger towards his father was deserved? Do you think Chris’s relationship with his father mirrors the relationships the men in the last section had with their fathers? Having learned that Chris was an entrepreneur and considered law school, do you think he was going through a phase when he died? If he survived do you think he would have made peace with his family and pursued a career? Why do you think Krakauer waits until the end of the book to insert his own experiences? Do you think Krakauer emphasized certain aspects of the other men’s lives (such as their recklessness and difficult relationships with their

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