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Submitted By etheodorides
Words 1850
Pages 8
Facility Planning – Considerations
Elizabeth Theodorides
February 23, 2015

Intro In this paper I will go over the topics of what is the regulatory requirtement and their effects on the design and equipment and colors sections and noise issues. Also the types of equipment needed examination of budget planning and cost estimates, and description of the role of stakeholders in facility planning and development.
Regulatory Requirements
Hospitals are among the most regulated of all building types. Like other buildings, they must follow the local and/or state general building codes. However, federal facilities on federal property generally need not comply with state and local codes, but follow federal regulations. For many years the health care system has experienced a continuing decline in the number of beds required for inpatients. As inpatient care is reduced, there is a corresponding trend toward increased outpatient health care. An outpatient clinic is less expensive to build and operate than a hospital. Space need not be devoted to "hotel functions" (the typical nursing units of hospitals), (WBDG) and the extensive dietetic and housekeeping areas that accompany them. Fire code requirements are considerably less demanding and mechanical and electrical systems can be simpler. Multiple shifts of staff are not required, since the building is usually closed at nights and on weekends, and housekeeping can take place after it is closed to patients and most staff, rather than while it is occupied (WBDG).
By definition, all outpatient facilities are alike in having no overnight patients. Otherwise, they can range from simple physicians' offices that provide primary care, to large, independent "hospitals without beds." Outpatient surgical facilities are now a common facility type, as the majority of surgical procedures may not require overnight hospitalization. An

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