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Health Science Unit 1 Lab Questions


Submitted By erickayoyo
Words 347
Pages 2
1.What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the current health care system in the United States?

Some disadvantages of the current health care system in the United States is tons of people have no healthcare insurance at all and many of the insurance coverages have such high premium and deductibles people can't afford it. For you to be eligible for Medicaid you have to have a very low income. To get Medicare you have to be a certain age and Medicare doesn't cover all health care costs. For Private health care insurance you have to have a clean bill of health and if you have health conditions they will deny you coverage. But if private insurance companies are willing to give you insurance the premiums are so high and the deductibles are so high its really only catastrophic health insurance. Catastrophic insurance is not the kind of insurance that helps you pay for doctor visits, tests, and medications. There is so much more disadvantages in the current health care insurance system that it is not even funny. Also Insurance companies will cancel your insurance if you have a very serious surgery if you have a syndrome that you didn't tell the doctor about and you have to undergo a surgery that costs a lot of money they will drop you as soon as they can.

Some Advantages of the current health care system is if you have really great is insurance you won't have to pay little to nothing on the doctor bills and you can get the medical attention you are needing.

2. About how many individuals in the US go bankrupt each year because of medical bills?

60% which is around 1.8 million people in the United States go bankrupt each year because of medical bills.

3. What can make a person uninsurable in the private health insurance market?

What can make someone uninsurable for the private health insurance market is if they have had health problems

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