Premium Essay

Hip Hop: a Subculture


Submitted By aboss135
Words 1321
Pages 6
Iqnambir Singh
ENG 1s
Brian Lewis
Feburary 3rd, 2015


In our everyday lives, we always see art in some form, which involves our senses. For example, we see visual art by using our eyesight. Another famous form of art, which involves our sense of hearing, is music. Music is vast that it has so many genres and subgenres. One genre, that is quite popular in today’s world, is hip-hop. Most people view hip hop as a movement, but i consider that its more than just a movement. Hip Hop is a median to express yourself. The shared ideology of Hip Hop is that it is a platform to portray art and beliefs through lyricism, abstract art, clothing, etc. Hip Hop is a subcultural movement, which was formed in the 1970s in South Bronx, New York. African Americans mainly started this movement, but now it is diversified. It has various components, such as “DJing”, rapping, graffiti art, and break dancing. Hip Hop gained a lot of popularity for its fashions. Its authorial power and influence highly impacts the fashion world. Many rap artists have successful cloth lines, which are quickly adopted by the followers. Language, in Hip Hop, plays a vital role. Slang terms gained its popularity after it was being used in raps. Some say that rap is the modern day poetry. Rapping also known as “MCing”, is basically a mixture of rhymes and beats to produce a meaning or even a message. Many rappers incorporate historic events or figures in their raps to compare things. Rap Artist Tupac Shakur used to read and write poetry at an early age, and it developed to show through his rap songs. During his last days, he was studying the philosopher, Machiavelli, and released a controversial album called “The Don Killuminati : The 7 Day Theory.” It described and correlated Machiavelli’s famous work, The Prince, to modern world. Others use lyricism to

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