Premium Essay

Hotel Portman


Submitted By Quiqueuchiha
Words 1379
Pages 6
The Portman Hotel Company
Problem Statement
The problem identified in the case is that The Portman Company is facing the issue of high turnover among the Personal Valet which is almost 50%. The morale of PV’s has gone down because their expectations were not met and they were angry. Along with this, increasing complaints by the guests’ have also been a major concern for the management. The increasing cost was also a concern which threatened to raise the level of overhead for the company considerably.
Data analysis
The problem identified in the case is basically the high turnover among employees or the Personal Valet who consider that the structure of the hotel is too much de-centralized. They have to wait for many days before they can actually discuss their problems with the supervisor. As one of the Persona Valet stated “The supervisors are very less in number and we have to make decisions ourselves in chaos and hurry. We keep trying to find a supervisor who is not available to solve our problems.” After the first interview none of the PV’s met Scott. In fact everything was too much de-centralized and based on personal understanding and decisions, which actually accounted for all the conflicts and chaos.
Secondly, the management assumed that the amount of tip for each Personal Valet would be around $200 per week; however it turned out to be $40 for every PV. This was quite demotivating for them because initially they were pretty sure and confident about getting tips in excess of $200 per week. The reduced amount of tips was initially because of the low occupancy in the initial phase of the hotel but it was mainly because of the lack of understanding of the concept of a Personal Valet. The concept of Personal Valet was more common in Asian region where travelers understood the concept. But in America, people were not aware about this concept. This was the basic

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