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How Do Romeo And Juliet Make Permanent Decisions

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"Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings" Wiz Khalifa. A quote that could both fit in literature and in life, a decision will shape who you are and who you going to be. In William Shakespeare’s play, “The Tragedy Of Romeo and Juliet” there were plenty of choices made by Juliet that emphasizes her ways and ways of thinking. Juliet is a 13 year old Couplet soon to become 14 who falls in love with 15 year old Romeo and a member of the Montague family. In this tragedy, with the Montagues and Capulets being sworn enemies, their love is complicated and altogether they were all forbidden to begin with let alone to meet each other. Throughout the play we see Juliet with Romeo make foolish decisions that end both of their lives but seems to end other problems along with it. In Act I Scene III when Juliet takes it out with her mother and her Nurse and while within the whole scene …show more content…
After the deaths of her family and friends and the banishing of her husband she was soon forced to marry for her that has always like to stay loyal she finally let go of her old self and has placed her rightful dress on.”Give me, give me! O, tell not me of fear!” (P. 185 Line.124). She now not afraid and ready for this event to happen in her life, she readies and quickly starts the chain of decisions. “Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again”(P,191 Line.15). Even though this was for Romeo this was not that great of the decision for someone had imported incorrect information to Romeo for him to mistakenly to die for Juliet just three seconds before she wakes up but even so she kept her promise to forever with Romeo. ”then I'll be brief. O happy dagger! Even though they were young and their relationship was very sudden I do believe they loved each other even if they weren't in love. If Romeo hadn’t been so unreasonable and and irrational, both he and Juliet would still be

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