Premium Essay

How Might Factors Such as Diversity, Attitude, Learning, and Work Styles Affect Collaboration


Submitted By MessiahDaGod
Words 427
Pages 2
Associate Level Material

Appendix A

Communication Styles Worksheet

You spent the past few days exploring the resources available to students at University of Phoenix, and you want to share what you learned with a friend who is interested in enrolling.

Write a 150- to 200-word e-mail to your friend summarizing the resources available to students.
The University has many useful resources available. My favorite is the Center for Mathematics Excellence. I love math so I stay on that useful link. You also have the Center for Writing Excellence and Online Math Coaching. The online you actually get to communicate with someone. Academic Representative and instructor are more than willing to answer any questions that you might have. You have students that are willing to help you as well. In the library you have the Student Labs you can access and use. The Grammar and Writing Guides will help sharpen your skills for whenever papers are needed to be turned in. In my case, six days out of the week. It is good whenever you find a school that really enjoy going to. Ever since the first call, I knew this school was the one for me. I hope that you look into this.

You asked your facilitator to review your e-mail draft. She liked what you wrote and asked you to write a summary to post in the class forum for the other students to read.

Write a 150- to 200-word summary for your class of the resources available to students. Remember to write using an academic tone.
Hello class, I hope all is well with everyone. I’m here to talk about all the wonderful resources that are available. I can truthfully say that I am actually learning something. Depends in whatever you needs helps in, there’s a center that can help. You can actually get help from a real person with the Online Coaching. Instructors and even other students help you if it’s needed. The Center for

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