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How To Read Literature Like A Professor Essay

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In the ninth chapter of Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Foster explores the symbolic and literal significance weather holds in storytelling. Literally speaking, weather has the power to directly affect a character, whether they become soaked from the rain or sweaty from the heat. Symbolically speaking, weather means much more than a few drops of water, or a thermometer reaching one hundred degrees.
Overall, Foster discusses three types of weather throughout this chapter: rain, fog and snow. Firstly, rain, “the principal element of spring”, possess transformative qualities and can symbolically cleanse a character (73). Rain, when mixed with a little sunlight can fashion symbolic, “divine promise[s]” and “peace between heaven and earth” (74). These celestial pacts, known as rainbows, are literally very rare, but commonly hard to miss. Symbolically, rainbows represent miracles and are just as important as they are beautiful. Although rain can demonstrate symbolic rebirth, and is capable of creating miraculous rainbows, a downpour can also form mud and induce a character to become …show more content…
Scott Fitzgerald, weather is used to foreshadow upcoming events and symbolize the atmosphere of the scene. After a long time apart, Jay Gatsby and (the now married) Daisy meet again. The awkward pair struggle through beginning conversations as the rain pours down. Finally, once the two have reconciled, the rain stops and the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, offering hope that the two may get back together again. Later on in the book, Gatsby and Tom, Daisy’s husband, have an extensive fight on the a hot summer day. The scalding heat foreshadows the men’s grand confrontation, symbolically and literally placing stress on all of the characters in the novel. Thanks to the ninth chapter in Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor, I can now interpret what weather means in a literary work to furthermore comprehend a

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