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How Was Andrew Jackson Worthy

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Andrew Jackson: Is he worthy? Do you think the man on the twenty dollar bill deserves to be on there? Do you know who he is? Well I’m here to explain it all. The man on the twenty dollar bill is Andrew Jackson. He is our 7th president, a very crucial on at that. He was a strong believer in the common man, challenged the national bank and caused the worst economic failure, and won in a past-due battle that cost thousands of lives for no reason. So clearly he is not worthy of being honored on the twenty dollar bill. For one, Jackson condoned the Indian removal act. For two, when the Supreme Court said the Cherokee could stay, Jackson rebelled and continued with the plan. This shows that his loyalty remained else-where. Andrew Jackson does not …show more content…
He was a man willing to do anything to get what he wanted. Andrew wanted the Indians out so, he allowed the state of Georgia to continue to take their land which led to a long journey called The Trail Of Tears. This was a terrible journey in the winter from the only home they ever knew in Georgia all the way to some reservation in Oklahoma. As you can tell he went to the extreme to get what he wanted. Jackson only thought about what he wanted and not how it would affect others. He was truly selfish. Next, you know Andrew Jackson does deserve to be on the twenty dollar bill because he caused the worst period of economic failure. Jackson challenged the National Bank in effect thousands of jobs were lost and hundreds of businesses closed. Lastly, Jackson definitely does not deserve to be on the twenty dollar bill because he was a dishonest man who lied to his people. He said in his State Of Union Speech in1830 that there were “…more than 12,000,000 happy people…” But the slaves who were ‘owned’ and used to do the jobs that no one else wanted to do the ones who were sold around and got put a price on were counted in that 12,000,000. The women who were not allowed rights were counted in that 12,000,000. Someone who lies to persuade the people that ‘their’ country is doing great is most certainly not deserving of the reward and remembrance of being on the American twenty dollar

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