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Human Resource Stories of Change


Submitted By randi291968
Words 1495
Pages 6

Miranda D. Wade Assn. 1: Stories of Change Dr. Vanessa Graham HRM 560-Managing Organizational Change 01/26/2014

An organization has to be strategic when managing change. A business must also be able to reinvent itself in order to maintain a competitive edge. There can be many reasons why change is necessary including technology, customer needs, opportunities to grow, globalization, and the economy. “Today, organizations must have the capacity to adapt quickly and effectively in order to survive. Often the speed and complexity of change severely test the capabilities of leaders and employees to adapt rapidly enough, but if organizations fail to change, the cost of that failure may be quite high. Hence, leaders and employees must understand the nature of the changes needed and the likely effects of alternative approaches to bring about that change” (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p. 510).
Using Kotter’s Model, Identify the Three (3) Most Significant Errors Made Out of All of the Change Stories Presented and Describe the Ramifications of Those Mistakes.
Any organization that wants to grow and stay ahead of the competition should embrace change. Despite this fact, there are many things that can go wrong when an organization decides to make a change. Resistance from employees is one factor that plays a part in an organizations change process failure. The change process must be effectively managed in an effort to lessen the chance of resistance (Palmer, Dunford, and Akin, 2009).
The three most significant errors made out of all the change stories presented happened with Hewlett-Packard, Kodak, and McDonald’s. Let’s look at Hewlett-Packard first. In1999 Carly Fiorina became the new CEO. During this time Hewlett-Packard had issues in many departments and lacked

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