Premium Essay

Huron Company Case


Submitted By huseyintop
Words 1323
Pages 6
Name : Hüseyin TOP Number : 9501133679



Questions 1 and 2 | Hrs | | Rate | | | | | | Total, present method | 126 | | 55.96 | 7,050.96 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Costing of a 100-unit batch of CS-29 carburetors: | | | | First Proposal | | Revised Proposal | | Department | Hours | | Rate | Total | | Rate | Total | | Casting/Stamping | 21 | 16,7% | 52,97 | 1.112,37 | | 53,12 | 1.115,52 | | Grinding | 12 | 9,5% | 48,14 | 577,68 | | 46,75 | 561,00 | | Machining | 58 | 46,0% | 87,52 | 5.076,16 | | 86,5 | 5.017,00 | | Assembly | 35 | 27,8% | 40,19 | 1.406,65 | | 39,14 | 1.369,90 | | Total, proposed method | 126 | | | 8.172,86 | | | 8.063,42 | | Total, present method | 126 | | 55,96 | 7.050,96 | | 55,96 | 7.050,96 | | Difference From Present M. | | | | 1.121,90 | (16% more) | | 1.012,46 | (14% more) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Costing of spare parts for inventory: | | | | First Proposal | | Revised Proposal | | Department | Hours | | Rate | Total | | Rate | Total | | Casting/Stamping | 304 | 18,0% | 52,97 | 16.102,88 | | 53,12 | 16.148,48 | | Grinding | 270 | 16,0% | 48,14 | 12.997,80 | | 46,75 | 12.622,50 | | Machining | 1.115 | 66,0% | 87,52 | 97.584,80 | | 86,5 | 96.447,50 | | Total, proposed method | 1.689 | | | 126.685,48 | | | 125.218,48 | | Total, present method | 1.689 | | 55,96 | 94.516,44 | | 55,96 | 94.516,44 | | Difference From Present M. | | | |

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