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Impact Of Martin Luther King Jr

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Martin Luther King Jr is well-known for being a major advocate and a leader for the Civil Rights Movement. He was a strong advocate for equality among people. He taught the African Americans to stand up for their rights without getting involved in any violence behavior. He does not believe in violent protests but rather believed in peaceful protests. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr took place in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968. He was in Tennessee to support a strike march of sanitation workers. The sanitation workers strike was a strike that was triggered by the death of two African Americans garbage collectors. The African American community responded in a strike because of the unfair treatment they're receiving from their jobs. While supporting a great cause, Martin Luther King Jr, was murdered by a man named, James Earl Ray. His death shocked America especially the African American community. …show more content…
brought so much attention that people who believed in him all have gone to support the strike of sanitation workers. As a result, the sanitation workers strike was successfully granted. The assassination have triggered brutal violent protests, however, it helped the Civil Rights Movement to carry out forward because Martin's supporters had fought and made sure they finished what Martin's had started. This had a positive impact in the Civil Rights Movement because it brought attention and realization of the importance of fighting for equality and

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