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Industrial Survey


Submitted By Lambocool
Words 1061
Pages 5

MEMB453 NDT SEMESTER 1 2015 / 2016







Dye penetrant inspection (DPI) is known as liquid penetrate inspection (LPI) or penetrate testing (PT). PT test is done at NDT ILSAS Lab in order to detect surface breaking defects in non porous material such as metals and plastics. PT test is also widely applied since it is a low-cost inspection method. The technique used is based on the ability of a liquid to be drawn into a "clean" surface breaking flaw by capillary action. There are two ways in which PT test makes the flaws in a material to be seen clearly. One of the ways is PT test produces flaw indication which is larger and can be seen clearly from the eye. Many flaws are too small or too narrow to be seen by our rough eyes. The second way is Pt test produces flaw indication with a high level of contrast between the indication of the flaw and the background. When a visible dye penetrant inspection is performed, the penetrant materials are formulated using a bright red dye that provides for a high level of contrast between the developer.
Furthermore, PT method is one of the most widely used is nondestructive evaluation method. It is a popular method due to its flexibility and easy to use. Its flexibility in usage draws a huge drawback as it can be used in variety of applications ranging from automotive spark plugs to critical air craft components. During the lab session, penetrant materials are applied onto the specimen by a spray can or a cotton swab to inspect for flaws at a specific area. However, PT test can only be used to check certain types of flaw such as fatigue cracks, quench cracks, and grinding cracks.

OBJECTIVE * To gain more knowledge out of the book about PT test which is done during the lab * To obtain experience of trying PT test being done in the lab practically * To know about the industries using PT test

Penetrant Inspection Ni-Cr Penetrant and developer UV ray machine
Test Panel(50µm)

Cleaner/Removal Photometer system Specimen
1) Pre cleaning is done to remove the oils or any dust on the specimen’s surface by using a cotton wool or tissue. Note: This step is very important as a dirty surface will not show any results of defects on the specimen

2) Penetrant is applied for 15 minutes on to the specimen until the penetrant is not dry on to specimen. Before penetrant is sprayed After penetrant is sprayed 3) Penetrant is removed by spraying removal onto the tissue which is then wiped onto the specimen in one way. Penetrant is being removed (Before) After penetrant is removed

4) Then, developer is sprayed onto the specimen which is left for 5 minutes.

5) Evaluation is done onto the specimen to look for any defects. The defect is marked and the length of the defect is measured by using a ruler from the datum.

6) Post cleaning is done onto the specimen by using tissue and washer.
7) Steps are repeated again for other specimens and picture of defects are recorded.


Before: When penetrant is applied

After: When developer is applied to evaluate the defect Defects of the specimen

Pre-cleaning process should be done properly as the dusts or oil layer might cover the surface of defects. If pre-cleaning process is not done properly, defects can’t be seen when developer is applied onto the specimen. When the defects are covered by dust, the dye could not enter as the capillary action in the defect is blocked.
There are two types of dye which are Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is known as Fluorescent or Invisible dyes while Type 2 is known as Visible dye. On the other hand, water washable dye which is known as SKL WP2 uses water to remove excess dye. As for SP1 and SP2 type of dye, remover should be used to remove the dye. Type 1 Water washable dye Type 2

To reduce error during the evaluation of defect of the specimen, the light intensity of the room should be at least 500 in a bright room. In comparison, the light intensity of the room should be more than 1000 in a dark room. The light intensity of a room is measured by using a photometer.
After applying developer, the defect of the specimen can be seen more clearly by using a UV ray machine in a dark room. During NDT ILSAS Lab session, PT process is done by spraying the chemicals onto the specimen.
In conclusion, I have learned that PT method shows flaws on an object which can be clearly seen by our eyes. I obtained experience by trying out the PT method by myself during the lab session. PT method has high sensitivity towards small surface discontinuities. Large areas and large volumes of material can be inspected rapidly at a low cost. At the same time, aerosol spray can be made portable as we can carry the cans around. However, PT method has its own disadvantages which are only surface breaking defects can be detected and pre-cleaning is important as it can prevent defects from being detected. At the same time, the inspector must have direct access to the surface being inspected.
The disadvantages of PT method can always be improved as more research is carried out in the technology of PT method. In terms of engineering career, I learned that I can sit for my license for PT method in NDT field and work in that path if I am passionate about the field. Practical knowledge obtained during the lab session have opened my eyes in expanding my career in NDT field.

Notes obtained during NDT ILSAS lab session

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