Premium Essay

Information Flows in Organization


Submitted By nhtrinh
Words 1040
Pages 5
Information Flows in Organizations In today technological era, information technology (IT) applications have taken over the communications of business collaborations, industry operations, and customer connection. Corporate data are essential to organization's survival rate since these are decisive factors in maintaining their competitiveness on the market. Even for companies in non-Internet industries, they still need assistance from network capabilities for communication and collaboration. Information flow determined the daily operation flow within a company. Depending on the field that the organization falls into, these data can be internal, external, or both. By digitalized most of the physical documents, it is also important to enforce necessary security in order to protect essential information of the organizations and their clients. Due to the enormous amount of information collected on a daily basis, organizations tend to struggle to manage the high volume of physical documents without the help of IS database storage. Databases reduce the amount of physical documents by storing the information in a systematic way. The Information are collected from marketing, sales, customer connectivity, supply chain inventory and external data. These information provides a closer look at the status of the business's standing. The information comes in huge clumps. In order to crunch through the huge datasets, we rely on huge data management vendors whom are working as database warehouse equipped with powerful software and hardware that are capable of handling and analyzing large amount information from Fortune 500 companies such as Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and Teradata. The database warehouse is a complex system that integrates, analyzes, organizes, and then makes available to many organizations for decision making processes. The stored data are used for creating

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