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Int Task 3 Paper Towel Absorbency


Submitted By cande36
Words 1611
Pages 7
Welcome aboard the Anderson Management Consultants team. We are committed to providing our employees an outstanding culture that will in turn support our clients. You have been chosen from a field of numerous candidates, as you reflect the core values of our team that we believe generates overall success. We are honored to have you joining us and look forward to years of shared success.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES1. We expect you to come to work with a positive and productive attitude daily. It is vital to leave outside distractions at the door unless you need to talk to someone.2. You are expected to provide excellent customer service at all times.3. We believe in the philosophy that the customer is always right and you are expected to uphold this philosophy at all times. If a customer is abusive or hostile to you please report to a member of management immediately.4. It is vital to accept all ideas openly remembering that there is no "I" in team.Acceptance of Gifts and GratuitiesNo employee of Anderson Management Consultants is to accept any gifts from our customers, suppliers, or competitors at any time. Any gift received is to be returned immediately followed by an explanation of our policy. No team member is to accept free vacation trips, discounted services, entertainment packages, or anything that may be seen as an attempt to influence a staff member.It is our policy for team members to not to be involved in activities or practices, which directly or indirectly hurt the best interests of our firm.If one of our team members has a spouse that works for a client, competitor or supplier, both individuals are expected to act in a professional manner. They are to maintain integrity and confidentiality at all times.Any violation of this policy could lead to termination.Information and SecurityClient information is to be held confidential at all times. Team members are

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