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Is College for Everyone


Submitted By daverlicious
Words 790
Pages 4
Is College For Everyone?
Daverick Aguilar
July 14, 2014

Is College For Everyone?
I understand this is a business research paper, but I’d like to write about things that, I believe, are questions that make me think or topics that I feel passionate about. With that being said, I am writing about the true importance of college degrees. The businesses involve college or the education system. What is the American Dream? Originally, the American Dream is every individuals’ right to pursue happiness and a better life for themselves and their future generations. Today, that achievement is still alive however it now has a new definition. For the most part, the American Dream today is defined through tangible, material things. My personal belief still lies with the original, but since I have expensive taste it does involve material things. Now my question is how do I achieve this so-called American Dream? I understand that education is important and that along with education comes with a comfortable salary, but I believe in the possibility to achieve my ambitious desires through various forms that don’t involve a college degree. In this research, I delve into the importance of college degrees in today’s society along with considerations of oppositions.
Article 1 – Why Go To College?
State the purpose of the business research The purpose of this business research article discusses the achievement of the American Dream through the acquisition of a college degree.
Determine the research questions and hypotheses being researched
The true value of a college degree is a popular and questionable topic. Many argue that a degree brings about a high salary and a successful life, while others equally argue the opposite. There are many examples that prove both are correct. There are a variety of questions that are brought up. For example,

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