Premium Essay

It Wasn't Easy


Submitted By brooklen123
Words 357
Pages 2
Multicultural Issues
Exam ll
Option 1:
It wasn't easy for the early immigrants. When they came to America they went through discrimination, prejudice, and weren't really welcomed due to nativism. With all the hardship they were put through, they didn't back down. They came here for a better life and nothing was going to stop them. In the text the book described what the immigrants desires were for coming to the United States and it wasn't only to have a better life, but to have freedom to express themselves and to be able to live the ultimate dream.
When the immigrants came to America certain races and ethnics groups overcame more nativism then others, such as the Italians and those of Irish decent. When the Italians came to America they settled faster than the Irish because they weren't as discriminated against. They were offered more jobs and were trusted more than the Irish were. Their only disadvantage was that they didn't know any English, but they adapted faster to be part of society. When the Irish immigrated they were the first Europeans to be ill-treated. Not like the Italians, the Irish were not as trusted because they were seen as potato planters and were seen as very poor workers and they were too involved with the catholic churches.
When both Italian and Irish finally settled they both had to become “white” meaning they had to change their identity as a nationality group rather than viewing themselves in terms of a village or province. The reason the Italians decided to change their identity was because they weren't treated well. They were categorized with the African Americans and at that time they were both being marginalized in the southern society. The reason why the Irish changed their identity was because they wanted more leadership positions in politics and labor unions.
Both the Italians and Irish were hated by the Americans that were

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