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Its a Medical Miracle


Submitted By morty0007
Words 2816
Pages 12
Perception of STPM students towards learning English as second language.

Background 2
Statement of the Problem 4
Purpose of the Study 5
Literature Review 5
Theoretical Framework : Strategy learning of Language 5
Motivation control 7
Cognition 8
The Research Questions 9
Motivation for the Research 10
Methodology 10
Research Design 10
Population and Sample 11
Instrumentation 12
Data Collection and Procedure 13
References 14


English is one legacy of more than a century worth of British colonial rule in Malaysia. It stands as most important foreign language in Malaysia and used extensively for all aspects of daily life, from handling business transactions until producing written advertisement jingles. English language plays a vital role in binding together a multicultural nation made up three unambiguous races which is Malays, Chinese and Indians. These groups differ in appearance and mother tongue that relies on shared language to communicate outside of their ethnic group.
Despite its history, Malaysia has recently seen a sharp decline in English language proficiency (Murugesan, 2003), which has triggered implementation of certain measures calculated to prevent this recurrence. Where, the ministry of education has implemented Science and Mathematics teaching in English Language since year 2003 (ministry of education, 2014). There was a lot of attempt especially from Malay race upon this government decision in fear of diminish usage of Malay Language. The other major ethnics however supported this event where for past decade, student shows sign of bold usage of English language for daily communication and eventually brought a new hybrid of English called as “Manglish” where the mix of native language which is Malay with English (Yusoff, 1998). This byproducts

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