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Jackson Turner Significance

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Frederick Jackson Turner is most successful at analyzing American history through his essay, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History”. This piece examines how life was first created here in America, as well as how the first frontier set the stage for numerous civilization advancements that would occur in the near future. Many Americans today seem to forget about the first settlements that served as the basis for what the United States of America has become. This essay accomplishes the goal of reminding those people of how majorly important each step was on the American frontier centuries ago. What was once just an enormous area of free, unoccupied land, is now the home of billions of people as well as numerous buildings, businesses, and modes of transportation. …show more content…
There are numerous essays that have the purpose of informing readers on American history, however, many leave out extremely crucial events that impacted history greatly. For example, Richard Hofstadter’s “Anti-Intellectualism in American Life” as well as Charles A. Beard’s “An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States” both seem to leave out information on how American settlements were first made here in America. After reading the works of Richard Hofstadter and Charles A. Beard, it is safe to say that Frederick Jackson Turner’s essay, in which analyzes the beginning of settlements on the American frontier and its growth from then on, is the most pertinent to American

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