Premium Essay

Jejemon Fever


Submitted By qwertyxandra
Words 7415
Pages 30
Jejemon History: How It All Began
Several years ago, a lot of the youth joined text messaging clans while others played online MMORPG games like Ragnarok, Flyff, and Gunbound. Some, with the urge to find and get to know people of all ages online, joined in social networks like Friendster and Multiply. At that time, Friendster was in while Facebook was not what it turned out to be at present.
Due to the necessity of having to relay a message abruptly so as not to be delayed in action (while playing, texting or commenting), they tried to make messages they type really short to an extent that every word was internally altered using numbers to creatively displace letters that would still make the words readable. Of course, Jejemonism was not that intense and obvious at that time.
It took a longer time before the more educated ones realized that something's not right and one thing has to be done - to abide by what is being conventionally dictated by society. At that moment, many of the younger generation became adapted to this kind of typing style for they really thought that it was somehow cool, manageable and widely accepted within their age range. It was the new hip at that time, but as it grew out of nowhere, concerned academic people took this as a threat to the educational standards. In time, Jejemonism became the latest source of boiling social debates.
As time propelled and confusion arose, people who got addicted to this type of grammar destruction were termed Jejemons and were subjected to social criticisms. Somehow, they were associated to the Jologs due to the similarities in their style and fashion statement. Not all Jejemons are Jologs since some only type Jejenese but do not wear the same attire the Jologs wear. Also, not all Jologs are Jejemons because Jologs love to use

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...known as “the kissing disease”, and it is indistinguishable from other members of the herpes virus group (123helpme, 2014). The most frequent mode of transmission is intimate salivary contact. It can also be transmitted from shared drinking and eating utensils, toothbrushes, etc. Mono is not likely to spread by sneezing or from hard surface contact. It is also known as Glandular Fever, because it affects the lymph nodes in the neck, arm pits and groin. It may last anywhere from one to eight weeks, and some people suffer from mononucleosis for months at a time. It is all dependent of one’s immune system. Recuperation is a slow process, which can demand twice as much sleep and resting periods. This disease can drain strength and energy and as well muscle loss. Balance is also affected.  Usually exposure to this virus happens at late adolescence for half the population. The peak incidence for girls is 14-16 and boys 16-18. After initial contact with the virus, there is an incubation period of 4-6 weeks and then the symptoms start appearing. Symptoms include fever, sore throat and lymph adenopathy. Fevers may reach as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit and may remain high for 3-4 weeks. Other symptoms include enlargement of the spleen and liver, fatigue, loss of appetite, periorbital edema, petechiae, and a fine rash. Clinically white blood cell counts and liver enzymes are elevated, and anemia may occur with low platelet counts. Mono is not a fatal disease, but because it is a virus...

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