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Just War Theory Essay

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With the discussion of unjust and just war has occurred in connection with whether terror-bombing is a just means to pursue a war, or the do it even mean to initiated one in accord with justice. Just war deontological theory is the relationship between duty and the morality rules of the military action, which will result in the good for the welfare of the people in the village that the war is taken place at. Failing to abide by the general rules that have been setup for the U.S. government will result in immorally behavior. When dealing with deontological, there is no room for subjective feelings, because it will leave room for question and it does not deal with ethics, but it does concentrate on prudence.
Jus in Bello theory distinguishes how the military will are may treat the combatants and how we will treat noncombatants on the battlefield. The jus ad bellum doctrine is the standard war between the nation’s issues of what …show more content…
The theory can be applied to any war to it appear just. Both sides will apply it in such manner that their claim is apparently just and unjust. Weapons of mass destruction demand a different approach, because those weapons breaks all the sanctions rules that many nations has agreed on. You can have human errors, hitting the wrong button can and also have the capabilities of wiping the entire human race. Terrorists groups like “ISIS and al Qaeda” demand a very different approach when it comes to unjust and just. If terrorism is categorized as the term that intensifies negative connotations of any activity, then all acts of terrorism are potentially unjust. My argument is that terrorism is a specific act; it is the use, or threat of use, of premeditated violence against noncombatants, with the intent to coerce a group into believing in their

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