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Keeping Children Safe


Submitted By mcfarlane07
Words 4696
Pages 19
Unit 4 Keeping children safe

Health & safety at work Act 1974
Employers must ensure that the workplace is a safe environment and that posters are in and around the setting to promote this, also they must ensure that all staff members are made aware of this law and given essential information on this. The health and safety policy will be discussed in a staff meeting where they can be written up as a policy in the setting. All staff must follow this policy and work effectively following procedures with care and familiarising health and safety rules to all children.

Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous occurrences Regulations 1995 RIDDOR
Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement. Passing on this information enables the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authorities, to identify where and how risks arise, and to investigate serious accidents. They are then able to help practitioners with these statuses and provide advice on how to reduce emergencies ,accidents and ill health in the Early Years setting.

Control of substances and Hazardous to health Regulations COSSH 1994 control hazardous substances in the setting set by a simple framework. This then prevents Illness to employees and children in a setting.

Fire precautions Regulations 1997
The premises must be checked by fire officers before the start of the first term, this gives them a chance to be able to advise the employers what is needed to make the setting as safe as possible.
In the setting there must be a practised fire drill where children and staff take responsibility and follow procedures to evacuate the building safely through allocated exits and this should be taken seriously and treated as if it was a real drill. Fire extinguishers must also be checked regularly in the setting.

Data protection Act 1998

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