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King Lear Good Vs Evil

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There is no distinct line between good and evil, as there is a range of human nature. Life may seem black and white, but is often actually shades of gray. If Shakespeare is writing about his “stand on human nature in King Lear by looking at specific characters in the play”, as Analysis of King Lear puts it, he is not writing that humans belong in a group of sinners or angels. Contrary to what the essay asserts, people cannot be inherently evil or inherently good. King Lear, written by William Shakespeare, features a large cast that displays the range of human personalities. In particular, Edmund merely falls on the more extreme end, as he is not entirely evil. No person is completely and utterly without morals. Contrasting Edmund, on the other …show more content…
The sisters are lustful and harsh, seen by others as the most horrible daughters. Continuing his usage of extremes, Shakespeare has Goneril’s husband, the Duke of Albany, describe his wife as “not worth the dust which the rude wind/Blows in [her] face” (IV.ii.39-40). This can be surmised from the first scene where the sisters are vying for their father’s love and his kingdom. It is quite clear why Regan and Goneril spoke fake words, even though they are perceived as “those empty-hearted whose low sounds/Reverb no hollowness” (I.i.172-73) by the Earl of Kent. There was a third of a kingdom on the line and all they needed to do to receive it was to profess their love, even if it was fake, to their father. As a result of their fallacious love, their words earned them a full half of the kingdom. In spite of their empty words, the sisters are only human, though, as when Lear arrives at their castles, he arrives with a large retinue of rowdy knights and the sisters refuse to house all of them. Given that the Regan and Goneril share the land, it is only fair, as hostesses, that they state their limitations and give reasons. Their actions earn them vilification, but Lear threw a tantrum and demanded that everything go his way even after his daughters tried to compromise. It is not hard to understand why Regan locked him out of the castle during a storm. Additionally, both sisters fall for Edmund, which is unsurprising, as he is a master of chicanery and sophistry. Regan sees her new widowed status as an advantage to become closer to Edmund. Those actions put them on the spectrum towards those lacking morals, but in no way are they complete

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