Premium Essay

Know the Facts About Diet


Submitted By fishball0
Words 266
Pages 2
I want to share a book with you ,the book is called know the facts about diet,written by Judith Anderson.The book is Discusses diet and nutrition for young people, including ideas for a well-balanced diet, good and bad foods to eat, and information on obesity, food allergies, and eating disorders.

I think the most interesting facts I read from the book is this book will give you the facts about diet. It will reveal how you may be influenced in your decisions about what you eat and drink, and show you how you can make informed choices about your diet.

the ideas are presented in different ways such as photos,tables and illustrations.

the presentation is effective, because the book contain many photos, it can make the book more fun and interesting ,also the illustrations can show the facts that will help teens make wise choices to live a safe and healthy lifestyle.

I think the leaflet should be included a balanced diet ,psychical activities ,the problem of obesity ETC

I think the leaflet first page should add a title such as Getting fitter is easier than you think,second page should talk about a balanced diet for example people should not always eat processed food,the next page we can talk about psychical activities as people should do at last half of min activities a day,the last large page can talk about the problem of obesity such as obesity can cause heart disease.

I think add more photos,cartoon ,colorful can make the leaflet more appealing and attracts many

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