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Languages Affected the Way We Think


Submitted By FlameRB
Words 762
Pages 4
For a long time, the question that whether language might mould the way of human thought or not was considered at a scientific angle. through a lot of experiments and researches which was done by the professional experts came from many aspects such as : philosophy , psychology , anthropology , linguist... and a lot of essential information was collected from all over the world included: China, Greece, Aboriginal Australia, Russia... In the end, the experts has found out some reliable evidences to answer this ancient question is whether people who speak different languages do indeed think differently or not and that even fundamentally change how we see the world.

First of all, the research of Mrs. Boroditsky figured out that the simple observation that languages differ from one another. For example: “Wilson read the book of Robert Allen”, in English, in order to understand and speak in a right way the speaker has to concentrate on the verb “read”, therefore, in this case the speakers must pronounce something like “red” to emphasize this action happened in the past. In Russian people would have to alter the verb to indicate tense and gender. So if the subject was Blair who did the reading, the verb would be used somehow different from the verb which had the subject was Louis. In Russian the speakers also have to include in the verb information about completion. If Louis read only part of the book, then the verb should be used will have a different form than if Louis had diligently plowed through the whole thing.

Another evidence to prove that if people use the same language people would think the same way was figured out by a journey to Pormpuraaw – a small Aboriginal community on the western edge of Cape York, in northern Australia. In this journey Mrs. Boloditsky collected a lot of interesting and precious information such as: when people discuss about space,

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