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Later Adulthood Development


Submitted By jlopez32
Words 908
Pages 4
Jesstina Lopez
November 23, 2014
BSHS 325

In our lives individuals go through different situations, and as they get older they may experience many developmental changes. These changes can include going from working into retirement, living arrangements, health care needs, as well as relationships between family members and peers. For many individuals this is the time where they should be able to sit back and relax after years of working and living a stressful life. However they can still face some challenges. Some individuals find it difficult to retire after working for most of their life. Some do not like the idea of going from a good paying job to drastically different pay receiving social security. Sometimes the social security they receive is not enough to cover all their necessities to they end up going back to work part time. However some seniors are lucky enough to have a pension or a 401K from their employer to help them in addition to their social security. Retirement can also destroy a person’s self-worth, people who pride themselves on being able to provide for them and their family and find security in having a job now have to struggle with finding some other way to occupy their time. There are some benefits to retirement though. Individuals are now able to participate in hobbies that were not possible due to their profession. Some do struggle with finding an activity to occupy their time but most already know what they want to do like travel the world, play golf, read, or even just spend time with their family. Their health also plays a part in an individual’s retirement. With good health they are able to enjoy their retirement and do all that they want. Between good health and good financial planning before retirement an individual can live out their retirement life in a joyous and satisfying way. While this time can be a joyous one for most individuals without good help it can be far from pleasant. Some may lose the ability to drive because they may have too many health issues to operate a vehicle properly. Once their ability to drive is revoked they are then forced to rely on family, friends, or even public transportation to get around. This lowers an individual’s feeling of self- sufficiency, which in return causes the role a person has in society to change. This change also applies to their relationships with their family, friends, and peers. These relationships are most the most affected at this time because individuals a losing people close to them. Losing a spouse or a close friend can create a sense of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and emptiness which can all be overwhelming for an individual. Depression is a serious matter at this time as well, it can cause psychological issues which can cause the individuals health to deteriorate. With an individual’s health deteriorating their family and friends must step in to make sure that they are well taken care of. However there are some seniors who do not have family who can dedicate time to care for them so they end up in nursing homes. Parents who use to take care of their children now had their children taking care of them, this can be a difficult task for some to handle, so they opt for the nursing homes to make sure their parents needs are met and they are well taken care of. The task of finding an appropriate nursing home can be a difficult task as well. The facility must meet the needs of not only the individual but their family as well. Nursing homes should be thoroughly researched and looked into before a decision is made. While looking into these nursing homes the family must also keep in mind cost. Healthcare for seniors can be expensive so if their funds are not handled carefully there can be many bills that pile up. Medicare and Medicaid have limited resources due to the rise of medical cost and the government’s economy. There’s also an issues with seniors getting quality care from primary care physicians because they tend to focus on the care of a younger generations, which can lead to mistreatment to seniors. To help the aging population with their medical, daily, and financial needs, social policies were created. Individuals that worked a set amount of years are entitled to full supplement security income. Medicare is set up into two parts that help pay for a seniors health care. Part A pays for a certain amount of days spent in a hospital, nursing home, or home health care as needed. Part B covers a limited amount of doctor services as well as out-patient services. Due to changes in presidency and budget cuts changes have been made to the polices. For a senior individual the changes they experience make it necessary for them to plan thoroughly during their younger years to make sure they will be taken care of when they retire. This can reduce their stress as they get older as well as make sure that their family members will not feel burden. They will know that they will receive the proper healthcare if need be. Each individual must take care of their self and plan for their own financial future as they get older in life.

Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2010). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (8th ed.

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