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Leadership and Employee Morale


Submitted By steelnoles
Words 492
Pages 2
Leadership Today is losing market share to its competitors due to what seems to be ineffectual leadership. This always seems to be a problem with companies. Many companies that become one of the leaders in their industry, then have a change in leadership, seem to start to lose ground to their competitors. I do not understand why the companies want to change the style of leadership after great success.
It has been said that some mid-level managers have been heard complaining that they are not provided the freedom to make timely decisions to help their clients. Employees are also complaining that they are never recognized for their accomplishments and that the organization never takes the time to celebrate major accomplishments. Due to these problems, the organization has low morale and they are now losing market shares.
This first complaint that mid-level managers believe that they are not given the freedom to make the decisions involving their clients involves trust issues. Kouzes and Posner (2010) wrote an article regarding truths in leadership. One of the truths is about trust. They wrote that “trust is the social glue that holds individuals and groups together.” They go on to say (…that level of trust others have in you will determine the degree of influence you have.” If the organization’s upper management trusted their mid-level managers to make their own decisions and trust that they will not hurt the organization, this would improve morale and could improve productivity.
An article by Laura Walter (2011) states that a study by the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business has shown that empowered employees are more innovative, perform better at their jobs and have higher job satisfaction. So, when management empowers their employees to make decisions on their own, the employees will realize that they are trusted enough to do what is

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