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Leadership Competency Model


Submitted By sabrina2011
Words 987
Pages 4
Leadership Competency Models
Sabrina Flemming
Ashford University
Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership
Dr. Ray Powers
February 23, 2015 Leadership Competency Models
Competency model describes the behaviors and skills managers need to exhibit if an organization is to be successful (Hughes, R.L., Ginnett, R.C., & Curphy, G. J. (2008). The competency model is determined from skills, attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge of the appointed leader in charge. The Chief Executive Officer has many responsibilities to take on as a leader. He/she must perform their work well while in the work place. This leader has to make big decisions when it comes down to the planning of different meetings, and there must be time management when doing so because in order to be responsible, you must make the right decisions at all times. If not, then the Chief Executive Officer as well as the company can draw negative feedback.
Steve Kossakoski is the chief executive officer of the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School in Exeter, N.H. that state’s first statewide online public high school that launched in January 2008, and has since grown to 11,500 course enrollments and many of the students served by the school are high achieving learners (Ash, 2011). The Chief Executive Officer oversees every objectives, and strategies, he/she leads and direct the work of others and perform many other tasks. The board of directors must report to the chief executive officer before any decision is made on are about anything. A lot of important things must be handled when taking a place as a leader.
The competency model is divided into three major groups, which consist of core competencies, leadership competencies, and professional competencies; Core Competencies include communication, networking, flexibility, having the power to make decisions, teamwork, be creative when it

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