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Learning Curve


Submitted By bubblez69rn
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The Learning Curve Theory
In order to apply the Learning Curve Theory to any specific situation, one must comprehend the concept of a learning curve. According to our text, “ a learning curve is a line displaying the relationship between unit production time and the cumulative number of units produced” (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006). Learning curves can be applied and be beneficial to individuals as well as organizations. To be able to effectively utilize the Learning Curve Theory, three essential assumptions must be recognized: 1.) The amount of time required to complete a given task or unit of a product will be less each time the task is undertaken. 2.) The unit time will decrease at a decreasing rate. 3.) The reduction in time will follow a predictable pattern.
In order to be able to meet and/or fall below the upper control limits; factors from the process performance data (metrics) are adjusted.
• The number of tables for 2 was adjusted
• The wait staff was adjusted
• The kitchen staff was adjusted
• Utilization was changed
• Average wait time was lowered
By following my recommendations to the above metrics, Mario will successfully meet his goals. The business will increase its profits, (even though more will have to be paid for staff and utilization) as well as having happy customers who will be more inclined to return to the quality service rendered (shorter wait time). This initial process data is valid and can prove to benefit Mario’s pizza business. The learning curve concepts can be applied here in different ways. The amount of time required to attend a customer, sit them down, take their order, given them their pizza, provide the check, and finish out the encounter can be decreased through the recommended metrics listed above. This constant flow in reduction of time can lead to a pattern of less time waiting which will make the customer

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