Premium Essay

Less Is More


Submitted By azime
Words 326
Pages 2
Less is more

Prof. Sheena Iyengar believes that the need to choose from a variety of similar products leads to customer’s paralysis, in which the majority of customers decide to abandon the purchase. She made some experiment when supermarket offered visitors a taste jam. There were two tables with jam probes: one was presented 24 options, another just 6. A lot more people stayed to try jam, where there were more options, but only 3% of them have bought jam. To the stand with 6 kinds of jam less people came, but 30% of them decided to buy it. Iyengar gives four pieces of advice to avoid the problem of consumer paralysis. First, reduce the range. Paradoxically, this will make the selection process more enjoyable for customers and increase the number of sales. For example, Procter&Gamble Company removed their nine varieties of shampoo and thereby increased the number of sales by 10%. Second, concretization. Customers can not choose from a variety of options, because they do not understand the difference between the products. Third, divide the products into categories, so it would be easier to find and choose. And finally, starting with a less complicated choice.

Range of products attractive to the buyer only in theory- in reality it tiring and hinders to make a choice. Any man who has had to watch a woman while choosing clothes from the closet, knows- the more clothes in her closet, the more likely she will say that she has nothing to wear. So as a girl and a customer I can say that I don’t know how to choose and I really don’t like this process. The bottom line is that we are very glad to see for example hundred kinds of apples in the supermarket; however it is hard to make a choice, which will be satisfied. But if sorts of apples only seven, then the choice will be made pretty fast and

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