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Lgbt Ads Impact on the Market


Submitted By lokpalhangal
Words 903
Pages 4

India is socially conservative and most of the people have a narrow mind set and advertisements like Anouk helps people to come out of the closet and conservative thoughts of the society. Homosexuality is always been a serious topic in our vast and diverse country even though the judiciary system has not given the LGBT community their entire rights as compared to the heterosexuals but however there are some people in our country who are ready to accept the new culture and involved in spreading the message that there is nothing wrong to be a homosexual. In United States the advertisements are common but in its illegal. Earlier the lower court in India declared LGBT as unconstitutional but supreme court two years ago restrained the ban.
Myntra launched its new digital campaign which is called “Bold is Beautiful” for the ethnic brand Anouk. This TV commercial caught lot of attention and sparked controversies all over the country.
Fastrack also has been airing many bold commercials from the beginning which tries to change the mindset of the people. Their latest commercial The Closet which shows two girls coming of the closet and this commercial coveys a message that one has to be brave and come out in the society and getting scared of the people of the society There are many other advertisements like FASTRACK, COCA-COLA, LEVI’S, etc., Such LGBT advertisements have now come into light and broadened the mind of people about LGBT which is Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender.
The Visit TV commercial has gone viral because the issues related to the LGBT people are considered as a taboo so people think its not according to the Indian culture. So TV commercials like these help the people to change their view on the LGBT community.
The Visit by Anouk
The Visit was aired by the ethnic clothing brand Anouk which was launched under the Bold is Beautiful campaign which was initiated by Myntra. Myntra is a fashion store under Flipkart. Midst the decision taken by the Supreme Court on the Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, Myntra had come up with this commercial series to promote the LGBT motion in India.
This is plotted on a lesbian couple who decides to get married. In this advertisement, one of the woman plans on introducing her partner to her parents. This was designed by Ogilvy and Mather and they have been smart enough to design the advertisement in such a way that it can string emotionally to its viewers unlike the advertisements focusing on cigarettes and contraceptives. Manish Agarwal, V P, Marketting, Myntra Fashion Brands confidentally spoke that this digital campaign targets the everyday women in the country who is bold, sensuous. He wanted to create presence for Anouk which has got vibrant designs. He wants to do this because women today represents a new India and the protagonists, who are yet creating a paradox in the clothes they wear.
This advertisement is stated to be the first Indian lesbian advertisement. It is a three minutes fifteen seconds advertisement and it is unlike a short film converted into an advertisement with the message of living life on their own terms. The advertisement is very different from the other advertisements in the similar area and very much contradicts the title as the advertisement has been designed in a very simple casual and conventional way. This advertisement will not be different even if it portrayed straight or heterosexuals as the Indian society is still orthodox when talked about introducing life partners to the parents.
This advertisement had a huge impact as it was released during the struggle of the LGBT community over the validity of the section 377 of the Indian penal code. The research and development specialists and the other market researchers had planned it very smartly, as at that moment the LGBT community was successful enough to gather the sympathy of the public and the profit estimation and the risk evaluation done by the company was a very efficient decision. The Closet by Fastrack The Fastrack TV commercial which shows two girls coming out of a “pink” colour closet which means that coming out boldly of what you are and not to be afraid of the society. This TV commercial in particular was very bold because it shows two girls getting out of the same closet with a smile on their face. Arun Iyer the creative director of Lowe Lintas the agency which made the TV commercial and they believe that it is not controversial but progressive and it’s time to move on as its their brands punch line. Fastrack has aired many TV commercials which have broadened the mind of the youth of our country and tried breaking the rules of the society. Their highly controversial advertisement “The Closet” was a brain child of Lowe Lintas and the film was out the first film was one on April 4 this showed two girls coming out of a shaking closet. These TV commercials portray the taboo and the restricted life youths of today are facing in our society. Arun Iyer , Creative Director says that “They are not prescribing a way of living” they want people to move on from all the social taboos and from an unrestricted life because the youth of today are not really held down by the old laws which are laid down by the society.

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