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Life Is but a Span, Treasure! Value!


Submitted By lilyhui
Words 303
Pages 2
Life is but a span, treasure! Value!

Always, I do not understand why should pass such a life every day. It seems that every one is such, so I accept even without refusing and resisting. Everyday when I go home, I throw myself into the bed, and at the same time inexplicable sense of emptiness spreads. A voice roars in my heart, “I am unhappy, I do not like the present life”. With an exhaustion to sleep, the life is or so in tomorrow morning up, over and over again.
However, one day one of my friends tell me that tired, just rest; heart heavy, just calm. Growing up, being mature, many things will see through. Tired, sad, just squat down, and give yourself a hug. Do not expect anyone else to sympathise with you, have mercy on you. Sobbing, tears are your own; hurting, no one can experience instead of you. You should be strong even going through pains and tears, and you can also tolerantly go on. Since, life is your own life. “Life is but a span, treasure! Value!” is a sentence much found on the lips of this my friend. So short, but so meaningful!

Yes, throughout a person’ life, being happy is a way of spending a day, while unhappy also a way of passing a day. Therefore, let us happy now;
Do what you want to do and love what you want to love;
Remember something have to be remembered, while forget what should be forgotten;
Change things possibly being changed, and accept what is mutable.
We can calmly face anything, and actively grasp any chances.
Do not excessively demand; do not hold too much wild wishes.
Does everything better that we can do, cherish every one around you.
Life is but a span, treasure!

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