Premium Essay

Lincoln Electroic


Submitted By stealsw3
Words 769
Pages 4
Question 1 Does Lincoln follow a hierarchical or decentralized approach to management? Explain your answer and give examples.

Answer 1 Structurally, Lincoln electric appears to use a decentralized approach to management. According to (Draft, 2010), “decentralization relies on cultural values, traditions, shared beliefs, trust and an egalitarian spirit to foster compliance with organizational goals” (p. 548-549). Lincoln Electric also uses a lateral approach between management and employees to achieve organizational goals. Examples of Lincoln Electric’s decentralized approach include their open door policy, which is for all employees from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy, their no lay-off policy and their procedure of promoting from within. Another example of Lincoln Electric’s decentralization approach is the fact that the organization encourages a practice of face to face communication between employees and management. They also encourage employees to challenge management if they feel that they are being treated unfairly in regards to compensation rates and practices. Lincoln electric also encourages their management staff to reward employees who exhibit the core values of trustworthiness, openness, self-management and loyalty (Draft, 2010).

Question 2 Based on what you have just read, what do you think makes Lincoln System so successful in the United States?

Answer 2 One reason Lincoln Electric is so successful is because they fully invest in their intellectual Capital especially their human capital. They nurture, empower and use their human capital to its fullest extent. According to (Draft, 2010), Lincoln Electric has “cross-functional teams, empowered to make decisions, take responsibility for product planning, development and marketing(p. 563). The company also shares financial performance and information about its operations with all

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