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List the Number and Name of Each Runlevel as Used by Fedora/Red Hat Linux Provide a Brief Explanation of Each Runlevel.


Submitted By JSantana023
Words 1402
Pages 6
Assignment 1.1 1. List the number and name of each runlevel as used by Fedora/Red Hat Linux Provide a brief explanation of each runlevel. ID | Name | Description | 0 | Halt | Shuts down the system. | 1 | Single-user Mode | Mode for administrative tasks. | 2 | Multi-user Mode | Does not configure network interfaces and does not export networks services. | 3 | Multi-user Mode with Networking | Starts the system normally. | 4 | Not used/User-definable | For special purposes. | 5 | Start the system normally with appropriate display manager. ( with GUI ) | As runlevel 3 + display manager. | 6 | Reboot | Reboots the system. |

2. Which two runlevel should never be set as the default? 0 (HALT) and 6 (reboot) should never be set as default. 3. What script contains the default runlevel?
/etc/rc <tab> 4. The init scripts for each runlevel are contained in which directory tree?
Check /etc/inittab 5. What would you name the link to an init script that would start the fictitious bigd daemon early in the boot process?
Open /etc/rc.local and write the script to run at boot time. 6. What would you name the link to kill the same daemon?
Kill -9 <pid> 7. How would you use the service command to manually kill the bigd daemon?
Kill -9 <pid /// You can get through ps for service> 8. How would use chkconfig to set the bigd daemon to start at runlevel 2 and 3? chkconfig bigd --level 23 on 9. How would you use chkconfig to remove bidg from all runlevel? chkconfig - -del bigd 10. How would you use telinit to switch to runlevel 5?
Edit the /etc/inittab and Enter: id:5:initdefault: 11. How would you use you tell Linux to shut down five minutes (not delay five minutes) with the message, “The system will shut down in 5 minutes. Log off now!”? shutdown -t 5 // You can write it on script for the

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