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Lit: a Mirror of Life


Submitted By DanielaCastro
Words 1093
Pages 5
Daniela Castro
12 October 2011
Literature: A Mirror of Life
Phase 2 Individual Project
Professor J. Szymanski

Time & Place: Maycomb, Alabama during To Kill A Mockingbird is during the Great Depression and is an old town. Everything seemed to be routine as described in the book. People moved slow and took their time doing everything, so much that the day seemed longer than 24 hours. Racism occurred Blacks and Whites stuck within their race but Atticus was different. He was a lawyer that represented a black man accused of rape of a white woman. In small town everyone knows everybody and their business so it’s hard to be private. Either you fit in or you’re out. Kind of like the groups and cliques we have in society today.


The Coexistence of Good and Evil
The most important theme is how the book’s explores of the moral nature of human beings. The question is whether people are essentially good or essentially evil. In the beginning novel shows the innocent of the children they think that people are good because they haven’t experienced any evil. The older they become the more their eyes open to how evil people around them can be a lot of them resulting from their father’s choice to represent Tom Robinson. From an adult perspective most of them have experienced evil and incorporates it into their understanding of the world. As Scout and Jem gets older the transition from innocence to experiencing what people and the world are really like isn’t a smooth on but their father tries to keep them grounded. They experience threats, hatred, prejudice, and ignorance. As they grow they see how the evils of others affects innocent people like Tom Robinson and Boo Radley.

The Existence of Social Inequality
During The Great Depression social inequality plays a huge role thought the book, the separation of blacks and whites. The

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