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Long Term Effects Of Concussion Essay

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A concussion is a form of brain trauma that is caused by a high level of impact that causes the brain to shake within the skull. The brain is protected by layers of membrane, like the dura and cerebrospinal fluid within the skull. This typically insulates the brain from most injuries, however, these layers of cushioning can’t protect the brain from all forms of injuries. Cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain can only shelter the brain from light trauma, like a small fall. When a person experiences a bigger accident, like a car crash, the brain will hit the cavity of the brain causing blood vessels to tear. Blood starts to buildup between the brain and the dura, forming a blood clot. In response, physical signs like swelling will occur, which inhibits the brain to function properly because it is injured. The victim will start to experience symptoms like a speech impediment or loss of consciousness.
A concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury and causes 30% of all injury deaths. Any …show more content…
Concussion are cumulative, therefore if someone has a second concussion it will make it worse. Symptoms will tend to last longer and it will take the brain an extended amount of time to heal for those who had a previous concussion than to someone with no previous concussion. In some cases, a person may get a second concussion while recovering from their first and this is called second impact syndrome. This tends to happen to athletes and soldiers because they are constantly in an environment of high risk. When the second concussion occurs before the brain can correctly heal, the brain will rapidly swell and is typically fatal. Both open and closed head injuries can cause a concussion. In cases of a open wound concussion, rehabilitation is longer and hospitalization is also longed. The patient may be in a coma or vegetative state, where there is irreversible brain

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