Premium Essay

Love Means Forever


Submitted By kenzie96
Words 1573
Pages 7
Chosen Audience: I chose to write to anyone out there interested in a military love story tragedy. This is meant to entertain and fill my audience with emotion. Love Means Forever From birth, Jaquelyn and William were attatched at the hip. Their mothers, whom were best friends since early childhood always said their children would be best friends. The two young women Aly and Gracelyn met in elementary school one chilly fall day on the playground. They were born and raised in a small farming town and spent almost every waking moment playing together, talking about the boys they were crushing on, and their futures as wives and mothers raising their children together. The highschool they attended was very small. No more than 100 other students in their class. It was hard for them to meet boys and they always fanticised about moving away and meeting the men of their dreams. They eventually met two young farmer boys from their highschool that stole their hearts. The four of them spent every moment together, whether it was sneaking out to watch the stars twinkle or going for midnight swims, they all made the best of things. They spent 3 magical summers together. Coming from the small town, there wasn't much to do so they had to create their own fun. They would go horseback riding, mudding in the boys trucks, or make a romantic picnic for four by the stream out in the woods. The young girls wondered and hoped they would be engaged by the time graduation came around the spring of their senior year. and sure enough, they proposed and were married by fall after they graduated. Shortly after, both Aly and Gracelyn found out they were expecting. The very young couples were thrilled and always joked that one would have a boy and one would have a girl, neither familes thought it may actually happen someday! "Ouch! Leave me alone Will, you're always picking on

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